Friday, April 29, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 140 "Engage Other. Inspire All. Believe in YOU ." Gretchen / Hatley WI


 It's been forever and a day. :) It's good to be back! Life has been pretty hectic and crazy in the last month. ...I can't believe I haven't blogged in over a MONTH! How crazy is that? Well, hopefully now I will be back on schedule. It's always hard for me to get back into the habit of blogging when I get out of it, which happens with anything for that matter. It easy to break habit and it's always harder to start one. That's just the way it is.

Well, anyway, right now I'm sitting down on the couch watching some live footage of the Royal Wedding. Pretty cool huh? :) Prince William and Kate Middleton are getting hitched. This is pretty crazy, billions of people are watching the Wedding to be through the media. It's pretty interesting. I wonder how she feels with the eyes of the whole world on her? I bet they will be sooo happy once it's actually just them on their honeymoon. Best of wishes to them. I hope and pray that they truly and honestly have a happy married life ahead of them. :)

As for today's quote. I think that engaging others and inspiring all first has to come from engaging and inspiring yourself. I believe in getting to know yourself. Knowing who you are, what you feel strong about, what you like, dislike, stand strong for, don't care much for, what makes you happy, what makes you tick. it's important to know your boundaries, breaking points, and beliefs. It's important to know your weaknesses and your strengths. It's just important for us human beings to figure ourselves out. It'll make the world a much easier place to live in. That's what I believe anyway. That's why I'm taking a break from acting and other things for the next 6 months to really try to figure out who I really am. I want to take some time to figure things out for myself, clear my head a bit, and just work on myself. I believe I will be much more productive and helpful when I can have assurance of who I am. What do you think? Well, anyway, I believe that is starts with you. You can't change anyone, but you CAN and HAVE the power to changer yourself. So be EMPOWERED! I believe in today's quote, but let me reverse the order of the quote to make it fit a bit better. :) "Believe in YOU. Inspire ALL. Engage Others." Now that more like it. :)

Well guys,

I'm going to bed. I hope you've had a wonderful day so far.

Don't let anything or anyone get you down. Have faith and believe in yourself, and maybe something a bit higher than yourself. :)

K guys,

Goodnight or Good day, depending on your time frame.

Love Your Fellow Chocolatier