Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 141 "Dare to Dream ." Dove Chocolate Promises

Hey guyyyyys!!!!!!!

I say, LONG TIME NOT SEE!!! Last time I blogged was in April. Crazy! I guess I kinda gave up, and here are some reasons why;

  • No more internet (kind of a biggie)
  • Moved to new apartment
  • Was busy trying to get licensed for foster care
  • Started a new position
  • And got overwhelmed.
BUT...I think I'm back! And I do dare to dream!!!! I am going to continue my blog till I hit my 365 day mark! I started it, so I'm gonna pick right back up where I left off and I'm gonna finish it! ...6 months later, but nonetheless not giving up. I'm back guys. I'm gonna try my best. It might not be everyday, cause sometimes I won't have internet, buy I will definitely try my best. :)

So, there's a whole lotta catchin' up I gotta let you in on! Wow, wow, wow! Life has definitely taken a 360 for me, lots of change, But good change! After this little entry, I'm gonna go look at some of my beginning blogs and see where this year had led me.

Anyway, I hope you're having a great day, and remember, DARE TO DREAM! And if you've ever given up on your dreams, it's never too late to start over!!! K? Remember that! And rest assured that you CAN do what you've always been wanting to do, whether that includes going back to school to finish your degree, starting a better relationship with your kids, saving money to go on that one dream vacation that you've never gone on but always dream of, or that karate class or ballet class, even if your 50 years old and you think it's past your age limit. Life is full of possibilites, so GO FOR IT! Like that Nike slogan, JUST DO IT! :) You can do and be anything that you want to be. It's up to you. The world is full of opportunites and possibilites, you just have to make up your mind to allow yourself to dream again and to take action for it. Afterall, the world doesn't need a bunch of people that are walking around dead, it needs people to come alive.=)

You are your biggest stumbling block. If you allow yourself to do it, and set goals and deadlines, and get encouragement along the way, you WILL soar!

Love you guys,

And keep dreaming!

And pursuing your dreams!!! Don't give up!

And remember, it's never too late to start over!

-Your Fellow Chocolatier

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