Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 141 "Dare to Dream ." Dove Chocolate Promises

Hey guyyyyys!!!!!!!

I say, LONG TIME NOT SEE!!! Last time I blogged was in April. Crazy! I guess I kinda gave up, and here are some reasons why;

  • No more internet (kind of a biggie)
  • Moved to new apartment
  • Was busy trying to get licensed for foster care
  • Started a new position
  • And got overwhelmed.
BUT...I think I'm back! And I do dare to dream!!!! I am going to continue my blog till I hit my 365 day mark! I started it, so I'm gonna pick right back up where I left off and I'm gonna finish it! ...6 months later, but nonetheless not giving up. I'm back guys. I'm gonna try my best. It might not be everyday, cause sometimes I won't have internet, buy I will definitely try my best. :)

So, there's a whole lotta catchin' up I gotta let you in on! Wow, wow, wow! Life has definitely taken a 360 for me, lots of change, But good change! After this little entry, I'm gonna go look at some of my beginning blogs and see where this year had led me.

Anyway, I hope you're having a great day, and remember, DARE TO DREAM! And if you've ever given up on your dreams, it's never too late to start over!!! K? Remember that! And rest assured that you CAN do what you've always been wanting to do, whether that includes going back to school to finish your degree, starting a better relationship with your kids, saving money to go on that one dream vacation that you've never gone on but always dream of, or that karate class or ballet class, even if your 50 years old and you think it's past your age limit. Life is full of possibilites, so GO FOR IT! Like that Nike slogan, JUST DO IT! :) You can do and be anything that you want to be. It's up to you. The world is full of opportunites and possibilites, you just have to make up your mind to allow yourself to dream again and to take action for it. Afterall, the world doesn't need a bunch of people that are walking around dead, it needs people to come alive.=)

You are your biggest stumbling block. If you allow yourself to do it, and set goals and deadlines, and get encouragement along the way, you WILL soar!

Love you guys,

And keep dreaming!

And pursuing your dreams!!! Don't give up!

And remember, it's never too late to start over!

-Your Fellow Chocolatier

Friday, April 29, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 140 "Engage Other. Inspire All. Believe in YOU ." Gretchen / Hatley WI


 It's been forever and a day. :) It's good to be back! Life has been pretty hectic and crazy in the last month. ...I can't believe I haven't blogged in over a MONTH! How crazy is that? Well, hopefully now I will be back on schedule. It's always hard for me to get back into the habit of blogging when I get out of it, which happens with anything for that matter. It easy to break habit and it's always harder to start one. That's just the way it is.

Well, anyway, right now I'm sitting down on the couch watching some live footage of the Royal Wedding. Pretty cool huh? :) Prince William and Kate Middleton are getting hitched. This is pretty crazy, billions of people are watching the Wedding to be through the media. It's pretty interesting. I wonder how she feels with the eyes of the whole world on her? I bet they will be sooo happy once it's actually just them on their honeymoon. Best of wishes to them. I hope and pray that they truly and honestly have a happy married life ahead of them. :)

As for today's quote. I think that engaging others and inspiring all first has to come from engaging and inspiring yourself. I believe in getting to know yourself. Knowing who you are, what you feel strong about, what you like, dislike, stand strong for, don't care much for, what makes you happy, what makes you tick. it's important to know your boundaries, breaking points, and beliefs. It's important to know your weaknesses and your strengths. It's just important for us human beings to figure ourselves out. It'll make the world a much easier place to live in. That's what I believe anyway. That's why I'm taking a break from acting and other things for the next 6 months to really try to figure out who I really am. I want to take some time to figure things out for myself, clear my head a bit, and just work on myself. I believe I will be much more productive and helpful when I can have assurance of who I am. What do you think? Well, anyway, I believe that is starts with you. You can't change anyone, but you CAN and HAVE the power to changer yourself. So be EMPOWERED! I believe in today's quote, but let me reverse the order of the quote to make it fit a bit better. :) "Believe in YOU. Inspire ALL. Engage Others." Now that more like it. :)

Well guys,

I'm going to bed. I hope you've had a wonderful day so far.

Don't let anything or anyone get you down. Have faith and believe in yourself, and maybe something a bit higher than yourself. :)

K guys,

Goodnight or Good day, depending on your time frame.

Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 139 "YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL." Debbie / Henderson KY

Hi guys,

Long time no see eh? :)

Lots of stuff has been happening lately...and it's all exciting and very scary at the same time. I'm also learning to be a little more easy on myself. I guess I'm going from high standards, to almost no standards, meaning that, I'm not going to be so hard on myself if I don't accomplish what I set out to do. It's okay if I don't finish, and it's okay if I fail. I am not perfect. Obviously. And well, anyway...lately Leah and Stacy and I have started working out, and I have not been the healthy weight that I have wanted to be, although I look it, I've actually been overweight for my BMI, (Body Mass Index), and I just have had no energy, but since taking ballet this semester and since starting these weekly work outs with Leah, Stacy, and Sean, I have felt more energetic, and more healthy. And you know what? I actually don't have an expectation to lose weight. I just don't. My only hope and expectation is that I will be stronger. I want to feel strong and be strong. And that is my expectation, to be healthy, and be myself, not super model, but super chick. :)

Well guys,

I better get going,

I think a few things came up, so I have to go check them out, and I have to get to bed because I have class early in the morning!


Love ya!

-Your Fellow Chocolatier,

P.S., You know what? Even though I don't always feel beautiful, I know that I am. :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 138 "Treat every day as a gift." PROMISES MESSAGES

Hey guys!

Haven't seen ya in awhile! :) It's been kinda crazy lately...I have to remind myself to actually blog and eat chocolate. Insane right? :) has been kinda hectic lately...lots of changes going on here and there.  ...I guess I'm just kinda stuck wondering where the next step will lead. I feel like I'm in a crossroads in my life, with the whole foster parenting thing, and acting, and my new job, and gaining new friendships, and seeing friends leave for awhile, and just things like that. It's like WHAM BAM!!! It's almost as if I don't even have the time to think anything through, It feels as though I am kinda being thrown into it...and it definitely feels good to blog about it. I am figuring myself out as we speak. Well, me and Brian joined the board for "The Well" and we will be having our first board meeting on the 3rd Sunday of April. And we might get Eleanor, this all might actually work out, we spoke with her attorney today, so we wiil see.. :) But so far, so good. And well, I'm just continuing with all the cooking, I finally feel like I can breathe and like I am actually catching up. It feels good. Oh, lol, Eleanor has a boyfriend, so she went to the movies with him yesterday, and all four of us went on a double date. We were in another part of the theater, watching an entirely different movie from the one they were watching, but we were still in the same movie theater, watching different movies at the same time. You see, we don't know the guy too well, so we weren't just gonna let her go on a date with him unless they followed our standards. :) I got to meet him the day before and he hung out at Joel's Place. Nice kid, so far. :) And I talked with him on the phone, and asked him if his intentions towards Eleanor were honorable, and he was suprised because nobody had ever asked him a question of the sort. So it was great. He's kinda intimidated by us, which is a good thing. :) And he is super polite, which I like. He's from Delta, so it's a long distance relationship, so this might work. I hope it actually does, because I approve. :) Well...anyway, we gave them an ultimatum, (since we didn't know the guy), that we would drop Eleanor off at the movies at the start of the movie and pick her up at the end, that way there wouldn't be any time for fooling around, whatever that means. Basically so that they wouldn't have any extra time on their hands...teenagers tend to get into trouble when they are bored or when they have too much time on their hands (which I trust the two of them, and I don't think this is the case), and the second option was that we would go to the movies with them, different movies, at the same time. We decided to do the latter. It was pretty fun. Haha, she said she fell asleep during the movie..aparently they saw "Battlefiend Lost Angeles," so she wasn't interested in the apocolypse via aliens novie. :) They were supposed to go see "I am number four," but ended up movie hopping in the beginning. lol. She made me laugh when she said she fell asleep. She said it was boring, although her date had fun and throroughly enhoyed it. That's good though. :) I like the both of them together, he's a nice kid, and I hope they make it. I could see them going far, but we'll see what happens. I have nothing but high hopes for them. :) And Brian and I ended up watching "The Adjustment Bureau," which is a great movie by the way, I would recommend watching it. I think I may even buy it when it comes out on dvd, it's kinda like Inception, but the story line was more like "Equilibrium," which is another excellent movie by the way.

Well guys, today was a good day, I guess I rambled quite a bit about yesterday, but today was good. It was a Monday, and Mondays are staff days. That means that we close down at 7 instead of 9 to have staff meetings, and I thoroughly enjoy those. I really like the Joel's Place family. I love all of my co-workers.

Well, I am trying to treat each day as a gift, not to take any moment for granted, especially since what happened in Japan a couple of days ago, my heart goes out to everyone there. In case you are reading this blog and you are from Japan, I want to give you my condolences, and I also want to let you know that you are in my prayers. May God be with you.

I got a bit sad watching the news today, I had to turn it off, it was just so heart wrenching...what else is there to say? I don't think words are enough...

I just want to leave you with this message; take a look and evaluate what the important things are in life, don't take your family and friends for granted, love them every moment you have, forgive, and never give up on them. Believe in redemption, have hope, and be a shining light that you are placed on this earth to be. Keep your head up kid. :) Everything will be alright. I promise. Things may not seem like it now, but I promise you will get through. There is a rainbow on the other side, the storm will not last forever., laugh, love. Or even so, Live well, laugh often, love much.

With Love,

-Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., I meant it, seriously, don't take a moment for granted. LOVE every chance you get. Choose love, because Love Wins.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 137 "Be brave and hope for a cure." Anne / St. Louis, MO

Crazy! Crazy!!!!

I've just been watching the news for about 2 hours. Japan got hit with a 8.9 magnitude earthquake and this also triggered a tsunami wave that will not only and not only has affected Japan but will also affect the entire west coast, from Alaska to South America. That's crazy! Warnings have been issued for the West Coast, Los Angeles is shutting down it's beaches, and they are estimating that the water may go inland and entire mile. That's pretty crazy and devastating. Hawaii should be hit next, and then the rest of the coast. I feel like the entire world is glued to the t.v, watching what will happen next. My friend Nicole posted earlier today that she was leaving for Tokyo, (She's in a foreign exchange program in Japan), and she attends Hokkido University. And today she posted as a facebook comment that she was headed to Kyoto and Tokyo. Everybody has been posting worried comments on her facebook page because no one could reach her, and Tokyo was hit the hardest...she just replied around 20 minutes ago saying that she was safe and that she got of the train before they shut down. All major transportation in Japan is shut down, leaving many without any way of getting home. Nicole and her friend are safe, they made it to Kyoto and she is eating a hot meal with her friend's family. Glad she is safe! Thanks to all who were praying for her!

I am just waiting and watching, just watching what will happen next, and I hope that many people will rush to help out in Japan, I am hoping for a cure, for a remedy, I hope that many helping hands will aide the people of Japan. If I could, I would go. So I am praying for open path ways for those who will make plans to go such as PeaceCorps workers, navy, and others such as that.


Love You Guys,

Stay Safe, have a peace filled night.

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., Go watch the news, and I also want to challenge you to help out in any way, whether that means informing others about what's going on, donating $$ to help after effects, or even going out to the nations and giving your personal time and strength to help others.

K guys. Love ya!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 136 "Have courage, Love life." - Mary


 The last three days have been interesting. I can't actually go into detail because I want to be careful about what I say, I wish I could go into detail, but I can't just yet. Not quite yet. But maybe soon, maybe even in a few weeks I will be able to. It's about foster parenting. But that's all the detail that I will give for now.

So basically, I have grown in a lot of ways in the past couple of days, and I have most certainly learned a lot more about myself, new things.

I am super tired and I am behind in homework, hopefully I will wake up early tomorrow and get a bit of reading done.

Well guys, I'm going to keep it short, and I'm kind of amazed at myself right because a lot of unexpected things are happening right now, things that I never expected, and so...I guess I'm just in a weird waiting place right now, with acting, foster parenting, and a few couple of other things. And today's message is a good encouragement, have courage and love life. And that, is a huge step in and of itself. So, if you think of me, say a prayer or two for me, k?

Thanks guys!

Hope you're having a terrific day or a terrific night! (Depending on where you live) :)

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 135 "Everyone deserves a lifetime." Pam / Indianapolis, IN

Howdy folks,

 Today has been a very tiering day for me. I just sorta feel very out of it. I've been extremely tired.Good thing I had a community service kid do all of the dishes today at work! That was a major help!

So, I've just kinda been contemplating life, the things I want to see, the things that I don't much care about anymore, and the things that if the big IF happens, then would I be okay with the process and end result?

So...I'm just in a contemplating place. Pray for me, k? :) I would really appreciate that.

Well, I hope everything goes well with foster parenting, I hope we get the process going, and I hope that we get the specific child that we are hoping to get. Keep that in prayer too. So that the Lord will make a way.
I believe that everybody deserves a lifetime, and that everybody deserves a lifetime of love.

K guys,

Love you very much,

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier