Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 135 "Everyone deserves a lifetime." Pam / Indianapolis, IN

Howdy folks,

 Today has been a very tiering day for me. I just sorta feel very out of it. I've been extremely tired.Good thing I had a community service kid do all of the dishes today at work! That was a major help!

So, I've just kinda been contemplating life, the things I want to see, the things that I don't much care about anymore, and the things that if the big IF happens, then would I be okay with the process and end result?

So...I'm just in a contemplating place. Pray for me, k? :) I would really appreciate that.

Well, I hope everything goes well with foster parenting, I hope we get the process going, and I hope that we get the specific child that we are hoping to get. Keep that in prayer too. So that the Lord will make a way.
I believe that everybody deserves a lifetime, and that everybody deserves a lifetime of love.

K guys,

Love you very much,

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

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