Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 138 "Treat every day as a gift." PROMISES MESSAGES

Hey guys!

Haven't seen ya in awhile! :) It's been kinda crazy lately...I have to remind myself to actually blog and eat chocolate. Insane right? :) Well...life has been kinda hectic lately...lots of changes going on here and there.  ...I guess I'm just kinda stuck wondering where the next step will lead. I feel like I'm in a crossroads in my life, with the whole foster parenting thing, and acting, and my new job, and gaining new friendships, and seeing friends leave for awhile, and just things like that. It's like WHAM BAM!!! It's almost as if I don't even have the time to think anything through, It feels as though I am kinda being thrown into it...and it definitely feels good to blog about it. I am figuring myself out as we speak. Well, me and Brian joined the board for "The Well" and we will be having our first board meeting on the 3rd Sunday of April. And we might get Eleanor, this all might actually work out, we spoke with her attorney today, so we wiil see.. :) But so far, so good. And well, I'm just continuing with all the cooking, I finally feel like I can breathe and like I am actually catching up. It feels good. Oh, lol, Eleanor has a boyfriend, so she went to the movies with him yesterday, and all four of us went on a double date. We were in another part of the theater, watching an entirely different movie from the one they were watching, but we were still in the same movie theater, watching different movies at the same time. You see, we don't know the guy too well, so we weren't just gonna let her go on a date with him unless they followed our standards. :) I got to meet him the day before and he hung out at Joel's Place. Nice kid, so far. :) And I talked with him on the phone, and asked him if his intentions towards Eleanor were honorable, and he was suprised because nobody had ever asked him a question of the sort. So it was great. He's kinda intimidated by us, which is a good thing. :) And he is super polite, which I like. He's from Delta, so it's a long distance relationship, so this might work. I hope it actually does, because I approve. :) Well...anyway, we gave them an ultimatum, (since we didn't know the guy), that we would drop Eleanor off at the movies at the start of the movie and pick her up at the end, that way there wouldn't be any time for fooling around, whatever that means. Basically so that they wouldn't have any extra time on their hands...teenagers tend to get into trouble when they are bored or when they have too much time on their hands (which I trust the two of them, and I don't think this is the case), and the second option was that we would go to the movies with them, different movies, at the same time. We decided to do the latter. It was pretty fun. Haha, she said she fell asleep during the movie..aparently they saw "Battlefiend Lost Angeles," so she wasn't interested in the apocolypse via aliens novie. :) They were supposed to go see "I am number four," but ended up movie hopping in the beginning. lol. She made me laugh when she said she fell asleep. She said it was boring, although her date had fun and throroughly enhoyed it. That's good though. :) I like the both of them together, he's a nice kid, and I hope they make it. I could see them going far, but we'll see what happens. I have nothing but high hopes for them. :) And Brian and I ended up watching "The Adjustment Bureau," which is a great movie by the way, I would recommend watching it. I think I may even buy it when it comes out on dvd, it's kinda like Inception, but the story line was more like "Equilibrium," which is another excellent movie by the way.

Well guys, today was a good day, I guess I rambled quite a bit about yesterday, but today was good. It was a Monday, and Mondays are staff days. That means that we close down at 7 instead of 9 to have staff meetings, and I thoroughly enjoy those. I really like the Joel's Place family. I love all of my co-workers.

Well, I am trying to treat each day as a gift, not to take any moment for granted, especially since what happened in Japan a couple of days ago, my heart goes out to everyone there. In case you are reading this blog and you are from Japan, I want to give you my condolences, and I also want to let you know that you are in my prayers. May God be with you.

I got a bit sad watching the news today, I had to turn it off, it was just so heart wrenching...what else is there to say? I don't think words are enough...

I just want to leave you with this message; take a look and evaluate what the important things are in life, don't take your family and friends for granted, love them every moment you have, forgive, and never give up on them. Believe in redemption, have hope, and be a shining light that you are placed on this earth to be. Keep your head up kid. :) Everything will be alright. I promise. Things may not seem like it now, but I promise you will get through. There is a rainbow on the other side, the storm will not last forever.  Anyway....live, laugh, love. Or even so, Live well, laugh often, love much.

With Love,

-Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., I meant it, seriously, don't take a moment for granted. LOVE every chance you get. Choose love, because Love Wins.

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