Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 134 "Blessed is the season the engages the whole world in love." PROMISES Messages


 I am such a slacker! I haven't blogged in forever!

But it's good to be back! :)

A lot has happened in the last 9 days, and it's been crazy to keep up with everything. This is definitely my breaking record of no-blogging. But like I said, it definitely feels good to blog again. It's kind of my one rock solid thing I do everyday. Something I know that I have to do whether I feel like it or not. I  mean, I do have a few more things that I do everyday, but this is definitely one of those very healthy things. It's like unloading my thoughts and starting off on a new clean slate, that's definitely what it feels like to blog everyday.

Well, lately I have entered into a season of friendship, I have a few people that I am pursuing and that are pursuing me back. I'm married, so I haven't had many friends lately, besides Mark and Heather, but now 2 other people really entered into my life, their names are Leah and Stacy. And it's just been a refreshing start. I've known the girls for a while, but we never really hung out. But we have become the closest of friends. And it's something I hold dear to my heart very much so.

So! Guess WHAT? Today is March 1st! (Well, maybe the morning of March 2nd), but either's SPRING! Crazy how fast Winter went by! Well, it's still technically Winter in Alaska, it only takes a couple of looks outside to decide that, there's still tons of snow outside and you'll probably freeze your butt of if you take a brisk walk outside, so no world, sorry to dissapoint, but according to Alaska, it is still Winter. BUT!!! The snow should be melted by the middle of next month! Whaa-hooo!!! :) So exciting! I LOVE LOVE LOVE ALASKAN SUMMERS!!! :)

So, you know, Spring is known as the "season of love," and you know what? I agree. It just is. There's something about the weather changing, and just things changing in your life that makes spring so wonderful.

But I think my most favorite season is the Winter Christmas season. The Christmas Holiday Season brings so much spirit, love, and happiness all over the world! I thoroughly enjoy it! But right now, I'm convinced that seasons of friendships are the best. :)

Well guys,

 I better get goin', I have lots of homework to do. Yes. That is never ending. So it seems. Even though it's for a class that I happen to like very much.

Love ya'll

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., I miss Mark, he left to Seattle on Sunday. He went to take care of a friend who is sick. Mark, you are surely missed, but I know that we'll have you back one day, so in the mean time, have a blast! :) Seattle! :)

And...Brian and I may or may not be foster parents (like I've said, lots has happened in the last 9 days, it's almost too much to keep up with). We went to foster parent training tonight. We have lots of paperwork to fill out. It's for a specific child. So..I'm excited, who knows what will only happen next?  :)

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