Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 133 "Chocolater thearpy is oh so good." PROMISES Messages

WOW! I can't believe I haven't blogged since the 17th! That's 5 days of no-blogging! How did I manage to ever do that?

Anyway...today was fun! It was a declared "Snow Day." So there was no work! Yeah!

AND, today was kinda intense too...we picked a girl up that we know (Leah, me, & Stacy) that was going through a hard time, and we helped her out. We stopped by the grocery store and loaded up on chocolate, had a girls movie night, hair cutting night, and chocolate galore. It was fun and much needed.

So, Leah, Stacy and I also went to Chili's beforehand and we had some pretty great food! I ordered a warm hearty soup for the day, while the girls ordered mini-burgers. It was fun! I really needed that because I was in a bad mood, I don't know why...well maybe I do, but I really don't feel like talking about it...I was sorta depressed and sad a little bit. But now I am well. I feel so much better. AND I took a pretty good nap today! Yeah!

Well guys,

Hopefully I will not let "no-blogging" go as far as it has this past week. I hope to be a faithful blogger, and now it's time for beeeeddddd.

K guys,

Night nights! Sweet Dreams!

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., my friend Mark is leaving this week, Mark, I'm gonna miss you.

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