Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 132 "Believe the best in yourself." PROMISES Messages

Hey ya'll!'s quote rings true in my heart. It's something I've been struggling with lately, you know, the whole, believing in yourself thing...I have been feeling like such a failure lately, like I don't measure up to certain standards that I create in my frame of mind somehow...Well...I don't know, I guess I also have been comparing myself a lot lately as well! (That's a great self-esteem booster* (saying that sarcastically of course).Well...and I don't remember where, but I read either earlier today or yesterday about not comparing myself with others. Oh yes! That was today! And that was at Barnes and Noble....ok, so funny thing is that every time I go to Barnes to do homework (when I bring my homework), I end up reading anything and everything BUT my homework. Does that ever happen to you? Happens to me all the time! I am so easily distracted! Anyway... I've been comparing myself lately, and that just, needs, to, stop. Period. Hahaha, I forgot how exciting it is to use capital letters. What fun! :) There's all kinds of cool little tricks like these on this blog layout that I never really think twice about using, hmmm...maybe I should look into those things a little bit more. 

Anyway...I'm hoping to start with a little flame of hope in believing the best in myself. I tend to live by a theory that does exactly that for others, you know, believing the best in others, seeing the good in others, what my favorite thing about them is. So...I guess what I'm trying to say is...why not do that to myself? Why not believe the best in myself, and that the troubles and anxious things that I'm going through now are just little stumbling blocks that I WILL overcome? Why not be a little easier on myself? I sensed a "be easy on yourself," type of thing going on when I was praying, and that was my answer. :)

Well.. I guess I'ma be easy on myself and get to bed. :) So I can feel rejuvenated and alive tomorrow morning. lol. But no, for real. I need to just let things go, and realize, that each step that I am in is a beautiful process, and it is exactly that, a process. Rome wasn't built in a day, and it wasn't torn down in a day either.

Well ya'll

I'm going to bed!

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., Be easy on yourself. Give yourself the same level of compassion that you give to others. Step outside yourself and look at you. That's my little bit of wisdom. :)

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