Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 131 "Exercise your heart." PROMISES Messages

Hey guys!

 Wow! I haven't blogged for the past three days! I feel kinda lost when I don't blog! LOL!

It's been crazy busy lately, we had our biggest annual fundraiser for work this past weekend, and I'm behind in school work (reading assignments), and I've been crazy sore lately and a bit sick!

It feels like I'm being attacked from every corner. And I kinda feel like I'm a failure cause everything feels like it's spinning outta control.

My eye has also been irritated since last night. It's red and swollen. Not fun. Hurts to blink. I bought visine though, and my eye has been feel lots better.

Well...anyway, back today's quote. I had a dream a little while ago and it was very vivid and the message of the dream was very clear. I had this dream last Summer. And since I had this dream, I have not been able to shake it off. It's a story, a story of four friends, and their lives. would take forever to explain, but basically, the story line is that girls (or really anyone) should not waste their time on guys who make them feel inferior, less than, or kinda stupid, not smart enough, basically intimidated. And it's about moving on and pursuing greater things. A guy might be great, funny, ruggedly good looking, but if he makes you feel like you are less than, then in reality, he is not worth your time. So, that is going to be the message of the book I'm starting to write, which is based on my dream.'s a story about four friends, and two guys and two gals, one gal is in love with one of the guys, but he is clueless and has other "pursuits." And basically...the story just goes through their lives. And it's a positive story. Girls, and guys, if that one other person is truly meant to be yours, when you let them go, they'll come back to you. They'll return, you will be together. And if they don't, then they weren't really yours in the first place.

Well anyway, I've been telling myself since last summer that I would "someday" take the time to start writing this book, but today, I just sat down, and exercised my heart out by creating the characters and bringing their stories to life. I gave them descirptions. all begins. :) I guess blogging has been a pretty good thing for me so far because it has taught me to speak / think / write freely, and to do so in chunks at a time. I mean, wow! I'm on day # 131! How crazy is that? It just takes a couple of minutes a day, but in the end it's a great accomplishment. And so far, the journey has been great. :)

Well ya'll, I'm exercising the dreams in my heart, I am definitely exercising my heart. And you know what? Lately I've been laughing and cracking tons of jokes and making other people laugh too! That's quite a good exercise as well!

Well ya'll,

I think I'ma go drink some tea and sore off to dream land.

*Oh wait...* HOMEWORK......



Good night world,

Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., think positive thoughts and take 5 minutes (right now) to exercise your heart! Whatever that may be! :)

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