Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 139 "YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL." Debbie / Henderson KY

Hi guys,

Long time no see eh? :)

Lots of stuff has been happening lately...and it's all exciting and very scary at the same time. I'm also learning to be a little more easy on myself. I guess I'm going from high standards, to almost no standards, meaning that, I'm not going to be so hard on myself if I don't accomplish what I set out to do. It's okay if I don't finish, and it's okay if I fail. I am not perfect. Obviously. And well, anyway...lately Leah and Stacy and I have started working out, and I have not been the healthy weight that I have wanted to be, although I look it, I've actually been overweight for my BMI, (Body Mass Index), and I just have had no energy, but since taking ballet this semester and since starting these weekly work outs with Leah, Stacy, and Sean, I have felt more energetic, and more healthy. And you know what? I actually don't have an expectation to lose weight. I just don't. My only hope and expectation is that I will be stronger. I want to feel strong and be strong. And that is my expectation, to be healthy, and be myself, not super model, but super chick. :)

Well guys,

I better get going,

I think a few things came up, so I have to go check them out, and I have to get to bed because I have class early in the morning!


Love ya!

-Your Fellow Chocolatier,

P.S., You know what? Even though I don't always feel beautiful, I know that I am. :)

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