Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 133 "Chocolater thearpy is oh so good." PROMISES Messages

WOW! I can't believe I haven't blogged since the 17th! That's 5 days of no-blogging! How did I manage to ever do that?

Anyway...today was fun! It was a declared "Snow Day." So there was no work! Yeah!

AND, today was kinda intense too...we picked a girl up that we know (Leah, me, & Stacy) that was going through a hard time, and we helped her out. We stopped by the grocery store and loaded up on chocolate, had a girls movie night, hair cutting night, and chocolate galore. It was fun and much needed.

So, Leah, Stacy and I also went to Chili's beforehand and we had some pretty great food! I ordered a warm hearty soup for the day, while the girls ordered mini-burgers. It was fun! I really needed that because I was in a bad mood, I don't know why...well maybe I do, but I really don't feel like talking about it...I was sorta depressed and sad a little bit. But now I am well. I feel so much better. AND I took a pretty good nap today! Yeah!

Well guys,

Hopefully I will not let "no-blogging" go as far as it has this past week. I hope to be a faithful blogger, and now it's time for beeeeddddd.

K guys,

Night nights! Sweet Dreams!

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., my friend Mark is leaving this week, Mark, I'm gonna miss you.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 132 "Believe the best in yourself." PROMISES Messages

Hey ya'll!

Hmmm...today's quote rings true in my heart. It's something I've been struggling with lately, you know, the whole, believing in yourself thing...I have been feeling like such a failure lately, like I don't measure up to certain standards that I create in my frame of mind somehow...Well...I don't know, I guess I also have been comparing myself a lot lately as well! (That's a great self-esteem booster* (saying that sarcastically of course).Well...and I don't remember where, but I read either earlier today or yesterday about not comparing myself with others. Oh yes! That was today! And that was at Barnes and Noble....ok, so funny thing is that every time I go to Barnes to do homework (when I bring my homework), I end up reading anything and everything BUT my homework. Does that ever happen to you? Happens to me all the time! I am so easily distracted! Anyway... I've been comparing myself lately, and that just, needs, to, stop. Period. Hahaha, I forgot how exciting it is to use capital letters. What fun! :) There's all kinds of cool little tricks like these on this blog layout that I never really think twice about using, hmmm...maybe I should look into those things a little bit more. 

Anyway...I'm hoping to start with a little flame of hope in believing the best in myself. I tend to live by a theory that does exactly that for others, you know, believing the best in others, seeing the good in others, what my favorite thing about them is. So...I guess what I'm trying to say is...why not do that to myself? Why not believe the best in myself, and that the troubles and anxious things that I'm going through now are just little stumbling blocks that I WILL overcome? Why not be a little easier on myself? I sensed a "be easy on yourself," type of thing going on when I was praying, and that was my answer. :)

Well.. I guess I'ma be easy on myself and get to bed. :) So I can feel rejuvenated and alive tomorrow morning. lol. But no, for real. I need to just let things go, and realize, that each step that I am in is a beautiful process, and it is exactly that, a process. Rome wasn't built in a day, and it wasn't torn down in a day either.

Well ya'll

I'm going to bed!

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., Be easy on yourself. Give yourself the same level of compassion that you give to others. Step outside yourself and look at you. That's my little bit of wisdom. :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 131 "Exercise your heart." PROMISES Messages

Hey guys!

 Wow! I haven't blogged for the past three days! I feel kinda lost when I don't blog! LOL!

It's been crazy busy lately, we had our biggest annual fundraiser for work this past weekend, and I'm behind in school work (reading assignments), and I've been crazy sore lately and a bit sick!

It feels like I'm being attacked from every corner. And I kinda feel like I'm a failure cause everything feels like it's spinning outta control.

My eye has also been irritated since last night. It's red and swollen. Not fun. Hurts to blink. I bought visine though, and my eye has been feel lots better.

Well...anyway, back today's quote. I had a dream a little while ago and it was very vivid and the message of the dream was very clear. I had this dream last Summer. And since I had this dream, I have not been able to shake it off. It's a story, a story of four friends, and their lives. Anyway...it would take forever to explain, but basically, the story line is that girls (or really anyone) should not waste their time on guys who make them feel inferior, less than, or kinda stupid, not smart enough, basically intimidated. And it's about moving on and pursuing greater things. A guy might be great, funny, ruggedly good looking, but if he makes you feel like you are less than, then in reality, he is not worth your time. So, that is going to be the message of the book I'm starting to write, which is based on my dream.

Anyway...it's a story about four friends, and two guys and two gals, one gal is in love with one of the guys, but he is clueless and has other "pursuits." And basically...the story just goes through their lives. And it's a positive story. Girls, and guys, if that one other person is truly meant to be yours, when you let them go, they'll come back to you. They'll return, you will be together. And if they don't, then they weren't really yours in the first place.

Well anyway, I've been telling myself since last summer that I would "someday" take the time to start writing this book, but today, I just sat down, and exercised my heart out by creating the characters and bringing their stories to life. I gave them descirptions. So...it all begins. :) I guess blogging has been a pretty good thing for me so far because it has taught me to speak / think / write freely, and to do so in chunks at a time. I mean, wow! I'm on day # 131! How crazy is that? It just takes a couple of minutes a day, but in the end it's a great accomplishment. And so far, the journey has been great. :)

Well ya'll, I'm exercising the dreams in my heart, I am definitely exercising my heart. And you know what? Lately I've been laughing and cracking tons of jokes and making other people laugh too! That's quite a good exercise as well!

Well ya'll,

I think I'ma go drink some tea and sore off to dream land.

*Oh wait...* HOMEWORK......



Good night world,

Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., think positive thoughts and take 5 minutes (right now) to exercise your heart! Whatever that may be! :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 130 "Cherish each Day - Take time to play." Mary / St. Petersburg, FL

Hey guys!

 Today has been a blah kind of day.

The day just didn't start out right...you ever had one of those days? You know?

Yeah...It was just not my day. But I got through it! And I was a bit depressed today. But as a spur of a moment, when the day was done, for some reason Brian and I were just hanging out, talking to each other, and we got to talking about food, specifically salads, oh that right, he was telling me that he's been eating some tasty salads at the Ice Park lately, so the entire conversation spurred a late night trip to Fred Myer's in the hunt of a perfect salad. :) It was fun. We bought a lot of healthy fruits and snacks, and yes, of course Brian bought two mango rock stars, (he calls them the nectar of the Gods), lol.

Anyway, I love eating baby corn! So we bought some corn and kidney beans, black beans, romaine leaves, dijon honey mustard dressing, grapes, and raspberries! I am excited to eat all of those! Yum! :) And of course we bought the staple of our household, which are onions and potatoes! We've always gotta have those!

But anyway, late night trip to Fred's was our "time to play." And it was fun! :) You gotta love those type-a sporadic trips spurred by conversation. ;) They make life interesting! :)

Well ya'll, I guess I'm going to go something, possibly drink some tea, stretch, and go to bed.

Love ya'll!

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., What have you done lately that you would consider as your "time to play?"  :) (If nothing comes to mind, then go do something fun! Quick!)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 129 "Close your eyes and relax." PROMISES Messages

Hey ya'll!!

I was so tired this morning that I slept right through class! But I tell you what, I totally needed some extra shut eye time. And I'm definitely getting to that point again. I'm getting a headache. You know, I'm still trying to figure out my schedule. This is the official 3rd week of school, and third week of my new job...anyway...I'm just kinda going through a bunch of change. And it's a bit challenging...

I've been shutting my eyes lately to relax, I did that during lunch time. And it was much needed.

Anyway...I was going to blog a bit more, but I am actually extremely stressed because me and my husband got in a freakin' huge arguement just now.


-Your Fellow Chocolatier

I think I'm going to go close my eyes and relax.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 128 "Count your blessings not your worries." PROMISES Messages

Hey ya'll!

 Today was a good day, but a tiiiired one at that!

Boy, am I exhausted!

I am learning to count my blessings, I am realizing that life isn't exactly in my control, nor is it always the way that I want it to be or go. But that is okay. That is A-OKAY! Because you know what? There's a thrill that lies in the unknown. And it's an adventure. Who woulda known that I would be living in Alaska, attending the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, and be married all at the age of 22? Who woulda known? Seriously? It's an adventure! If you told me 7 years ago that I would be living in Alaska, I would have laughed.

So, I don't know, I guess what I'm trying to say is that life is unpredictable, and that we need to cherish each other and love each other, because you never know what will happen or when your time will be up. So simply live.

I am going to bed.

Goodnight World

Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., Count your blessings. :)

Brian and I just had a movie night tonight and we watched "The Truman Show." Cool. It was good. Brian has seen it before, but I haven't. Good movie.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 127 "Be a good listener." PROMISES Messages

Hey ya'll!!!

 I am so sleepy, I'ma hit the sack soon.

Today was a pretty good day. It was a much needed "at home" day.

Although it was the super bowl, I stayed home all day by myself and Brian was at work all day. But I thoroughly enjoyed my at home day. I feel refreshed. I mean, I work 6 days a week now, so it's good to just lounge around the house once in awhile.

I re-arranged some of the house today, specifically the living room and the kitchen, which in actually is pretty much one room. But nonetheless, it's our little home for now. :)

I moved a couple of chairs down stairs, and just re-arranged small stuff here and there, but it looks clean, and it feels like a new start. So that's good.

You know, lately today's quote has been running through my head. I am working on trying to listen to people more. Less of me and more of others. I think I like that concept.

Well guys...I guess one part of my listening was that a few minutes ago I was right about to go to bed withoug blogging because I'm so gosh darn tired, but Brian kept urging me to blog. So I finally caved in. I kinda felt like he was up to something, and sure enough, when I opened my computer up to blog, my screen saver was miraculously changed to a kissing monkey saying "kiss me."  LOL!!! That boy!


Off to bed I go.

Nighty night

Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

By the way, here's the picture of my new screen saver! LOL!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 126 "Change is a process, not an event." PROMISES Messages

Hey guys!

 This week has been sorta hectic for me! And I've been extremely exhausted. Did you know that I haven't blogged in 5 days? CRAZY, huh? I haven't gone this long without blogging since I started! I've been falling fast asleep and have been crazy busy. I am looking forward to a nice Sunday morning tomorrow! I am looking forward to sleeping in!!! YES I AM!!!

I'm not much of a super bowl goer, but I love the company, but I think that this superbowl I am just going to snooze.

You know...that last two weeks have been hectic with school starting and a new job starting all in one week. I'm still getting the hang of things, and I'm just not quite there yet, ya know? I work six days a week now, instead of four. I'm taking two classes and and working full time, it seems like I don't really have time for anything else. I am so tired. Oh boy, I just remembered that I have about 200 pages to read tomorrow! Pop Quiz on Monday!

I just actually opened my quote of the day about now, after I've already written about my day. And it all kinda fits together. It's a nice message to me, reminding me that change really is a process, not an event. Change is gradual and takes time to go through and get used to. So...I guess I just have to allow it to take place, yeah? Life in progress, a day at a time, a dove a day. Man. Even though that's such a simple concept, it's kinda hard to accept...because...I WANT CHANGE NOW!!! LOL!!! I really gotta slow down a bit and smell the flowers, or in this Alaskan's case, catch some snowflakes on my tongue!!! :)

Well ya'll, I'ma hit the sack.

Much Loves,