Friday, November 5, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 66 "Don't stress - think, and this too shall pass." Janice / Waterboro, SC

Hey you guys,

Well, today...actually, right now more than ever, I am super stressed. For one, I have a super bad sleeping habit, and blogging late at night doesn't help any, and two, I over commit myself to a lot of stuff...stuff that may seem important at the moment, but in the long run isn't my ultimate goal of destination...It's funny how small things become big things and how they happen to blow up to big importance, when in reality, they are not, and in reality I'm just wasting my time on them. Buh-hum-bug! :(

Well, anyway...

The quote above says "not to stress, cause this too shall pass." Somehow, I know this to be true in the back of my conscience, but I really just don't know it in my heart. I know it in my head, but not my heart. And this sucks. Yeah. It does. AND, I am wayyyy behind schedule on putting up the picture of the day for the blog quotes. I hate being behind. Right now I don't have a computer, so I don't have the luxury of editing photos or uploading them, nor do I have a camera. Double bummer. I know, I know, I'm totally being a negative Nancy right now.

Blah!!! I just want to scream "blah" at the top of my lungs. I just want to crash. You know, when you're at a peak moment, and all you just want to do is snuggle up in bed, or be a coach potato, that's all I want to do, crash. I just want to be lazy. But I know that's not the way to do it. Again, the battlefield of the mind and heart, what to do...what to do?   ...The right thing, that's what I have to do. Despite my feelings, I have to do the right thing, there's no other way. Or I could go the easy path, but then all I'll be doing is succumbing to my emotions and only allowing them to live my life for me, and that's kind of a stupid way to live. It's careless. So I have a choice between the two, and even though kicking back and totally chucking every care in the world out the window sounds like a plan to me, I actually gotta soil my hands and get to work, not waste time, and yet realize that you know what? There's no need to stress, because all I can do is the best I can do, and that's all I can do. That's that. And I must remember that balance is key. I need to balance my work and my rest. Otherwise I just kill myself.

Well guys,

I know this may not make sense, and all of it may just sound like jumbling words or like I'm complaining...I guess you can judge that for yourself, if it made sense or not. At least in my head it did. ;)

Well, once again, spitting words out into cyber space has suddenly left me feeling more relieved. I have vented. And now, I am done. Thanks for listening (reading), if you have read all the way through. :)

Anyway...take today's advice and do yourself a favor, don't stress, too shall pass! Wa-la! Just like that! :)

I wish you a goodnight and sweet dreams!

-Your very ready to retire Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., I am out of Dove Chocolates, time to make a run to the store tomorrow. Need to pack up. ;) Just finished with the peanut butter kind. Now off to a new adventure. And now I need to go apologize to my husband, cause I've been really fussy lately. Poor guy. Glad he is so forgiving. Hah. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey look, it passed! What kind of trouble is up ahead?!! WHO CARES! more chocolate... :) Love you guys!
