Thursday, November 25, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 78 "Remember to exhale." Debbie / Pollock Pines, CA

Hey fellow blog readers! :)

 HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! (It's 1:13 A.M)., so even though I'm blogging for November 24th because my day hasn't ended, I'm gonna take the liberty to wish you this holiday's blessings! :) I hope you enjoy your time with your family (people who share your blood or who you would give your blood for).  :)

I am ready for some gobble-gobble time. Turkey. Yum. And I'm thankful for my friends, my family, my husband, and for just life in general. Good stuff I tell ya. :)

Well, although I've had the last 3 days off, I can't wrap my head together to organize and clean, the house in all of it's glorious messiness is completely overwhelming me. So...I guess today's quote fits perfectly, "remember to exhale," and this is something that I need to do exactly right now! :)

Everything will be alright, and just need to remember to take it a little bit at a time, minute by minute, moment by moment, day by day, and I just need to exhale a little here and there. :)

Well ya'll

Have a terrific holiday!

I wish you many blessings and much peace!

-Your Festive Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., I now have my own computer on which I am blogging on right now! Yeah! My friend said I could have her broken computer, and my husband fixed it! Yeah! So be expecting the photo of the day to come back again soon! :)

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