Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 70 "Drink champagne, wear a tiara, use the good china." Susan / Mechanicsville, VA

Why hello there, (imagine me saying this in a 'Posh Savannah Accent." :)

Well, today has been kind of nerve wrecked for me. Yes. It has been.

Short story; on Saturday I received an e-mail from Onyx Pearl, the casting company for the upcoming movie, "Picture Me Blue No More," and they said that my resume was reviewed and that I am invited to audition. This is super exciting!

But imagine me seeing that e-mail, and realizing that hey, I live in Alaska, and you know what? This audition happens to be in Los Angeles, California..Yeah....quite a ways away. I'm flattered that they liked me and that they chose me for an invitation to audition, but those three thousand miles are just not gonna cut it. You know what I mean? ..Well..I prayed about it, thought about it, and then so Brian and I started really looking into actually buying a ticket, one word, e-x-p-e-n-s-i-v-e! BUT! I posted that I got accepted on facebook and asked my friends if they would like to support me or help me, and one of my friends who lives in L.A. said that she would house me, and I got a lot of encouraging comments. Well, I thought, Hmmm, this is a step. But then, I called my dad and let him know the situation, and I let him know that Brian and I were considering coming, and I asked my pops if he would do me the honor of driving me out there (cause my parents live around 8 hours from L.A). And without giving it a second thought, my dad said, yes, definitely, absolutely, and he told me that he would check around and call me later. And he certainly did call me later, to let me know that a cheap ticket was bought for me for $200.00 there and back (my uncle works at the airport, so we gots connections), and he said that hotel booking are on the way. I was kind of at a loss for words. I honestly didn't think this was possible. In fact, I've been nervous all day. You see, not only would I be going to the great city of Los Angeles, but I will also be seeing my family, which I haven't seen in years. This is very nerve wrecking for me, but exciting all at the same time, but most definitely more currently leaning toward the nerve wrecking side of things. A). I had to talk to my boss, my teachers, co-workers and all of the above to ask if I could go, (everything is clear and good to go), and B.) I didn't believe that this would actually happen. And C.) I've been eating all day out of nervousness (which is a bad habit, one that I don't usually attend to, only on rare occasions such as today).

So, that's that. I've been packing all night, and soon I will be off and about. I don't know what to think. I want to be excited, but I think the right word to describe me at the current state is anxious. So pray for me. I'll need it. In fact,y I need it now.

Well guys, off I go, wish me blessings.

I better get to bed, this little nervous wreck I am.

-Your very anxious and jittery Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., Dreams really do come true, and anything is possible is you believe. Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land upon the stars. I'm gonna shoot for getting a supporting role for a major picture film, and even if I don't get it, I will still have the pleasure of spending time with my beloved family which I am anxious to see because I haven't seen them in years! :)


Say a prayer or two for me. K. Thanks! :)

P.P.S., I've been so busy spilling out about my day that I forgot to blog about today's quote. Well, I guess today really matches the quote in a way because I have something to celebrate. I can bring out the champagne, wear a tiara, and use the good china. But, since I don't drink, and I don't have a tiara, I think I'll stick to using my good china, which I do often (we tried paper plates this summer, they don't last long). :) So break out the china my friends, break it out, and celebrate each day of your life, because each day is unique and different, and the time you have to spend today will be gone forever tomorrow, it will not longer be, so marvel in this thing called life, marvel in today, for today, right now, this very moment as we speak, is your only opportunity. So take joy it it, take pride in in, and make something of it, even if it's something bad, allow it to turn into something useful and good. But remember, that you are alive. And I am happy that your are. :)

Well, here's a little music video to conclude today's day. (I used to blare this song loud on the radio when I would go on road trips). I love this song. :)

Oh, and by the way, just want to give a shout out to my husband, thanks Brian for believing in me. I love you. Your a good man.

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