Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 76 "Don't covet; compliment and aspire." Victoria / Alexandria, VA

Hey guys!

Today has been quite an interesting day! I woke up to a text message from my boss saying that we should all stay home and take the day off because of the dangerous road conditions. Today, Fairbanks, Alaska woke up to an ice storm / freezing rain. It was extremely slick out today, or as my husband says, "slicker than frog snot on a frosted door knob." Now a friend of the family said that as he was driving to Fairbanks, (Delta and Fairbanks are 98 miles apart), he said he saw around 30 cars sitting in the ditch that have slid off the road, and on the way back, he said he stopped counting. And he also saw a school bus that was flipped over. Now that's dangerous. So yep, today everything was canceled. Play practice, school, and work were all canceled due to the dangerous road conditions. Crazy. It's still storming outside (raining in the middle of November in Alaska!!!), and the bad thing is that GVEA (Golden Valley Electric) has issued a warning that the electricity may even go out city wide if the power lines get too weighed down. That's no bueno because those who don't have other forms of heating, such as wood stoves will have a lot of trouble with the frightening cold. It's scary to be without heat in Alaska winters. :(

But anyway, today was just a leisurely day, a perfect day for catching up; did all of the laundry and washed all of the dishes, and even watched a little bit of 'The Nanny.'  :) Today was a pretty chill day. I enjoyed it. So Brian and I took the liberty of walking in the freezing rain, outside is like an ice rink. At first I really didn't go, but my husband (I think) has a caffeine addiction, he drinks soda and rock stars ALL THE TIME, and he wouldn't listen to common sense that says, "don't go outside in crazy weather," and so he wanted to drive at first, and I wouldn't let him, no way jose, esepecially since we live top of a hill, and it's icy going down it. So, we walked to the gas station to get him a rock star. Yep. Crazy. But you know what, besides slipping the entire way down there, it was quite refreshing outside. The air just felt moist. It felt nice, not like the  usual crisp and dry air we have here on a day to day basis, and it's also especially warm outside. But, I certainly did not enjoy slipping the entire way down, I can't image cars driving in this weather, and there were some that were even speeding! On our way back up we saw 3 car pile ups that weren't there just a minute ago. Again, crazy!

So we walked back home, chilled out at the house for about 1/2 an hour and then we went back out and walked down to the Sourdough Cafe, and it was delicious. Nothing like some soup and a grilled tea sandwich to top off the evening on an icy day. It was perfect. And to top it off, I had lemon tea, and it was delicious! So after dinner, we walked home and had for the most part a pretty good evening. And now I am ready to go to bed.

About today's quote, "don't cove, compliment and aspire." Well...I'm an actress, certainly aspiring, but I don't like to use that word. :) But I sometimes get envious of other actors' progress, sometimes looking at other people's resumes overwhelms me because I realize that I still have quite a bit to go. Amateur would be the word. But, when I really think about it, I am on my own journey, and my experience is exactly that, my own. My road to being a successful actress looks different than other roads taken by actors. I am uniquely me, and my expriences are uniquely my own, and they will unquiely get me to where I need to be. The goal is in not giving up and not losing sight of the goal. So, whenever I meet an actor that has more experience then me, my advice to myself is to ask for wisdom and advice from the actor, and to try to learn from their mistakes and successes. I want to be the gal that compliments and aspires. I want to wear that attitude. It's certainly more attractive. :) So don't covet, and aspire. What great advice. Just perfect.

So, today has been all in all a pretty good day and now I am looking forward to a pretty good night. Oh, and sorry for not blogging yesterday. That's a first for me. I had such a depressing and horrible evening yesterday that I just kind of gave up, I was very sad and extremely exhausted, so I plopped in bed and fell asleep and I didn't blog, I just had no energy to. But today has been a new day, and things have changed. And now I'm okay. :) No worries.

Well guys,

Have a blessed night!

Love Your Fellow Chocolatier <3

P.S., Brian pretty much inhaled my entire bag of caramel Dove Chocolates. Infact, there's none left, he ate them all. Remind me to buy the dark chocolates next time around (he doesn't like those that much, and they'll stick around longer). So now I have all of these wrappers with quotes, but no chocolates. Gotta love my husband. lol.

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