Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 72 "Well-behaved women rarely make history." Chrislynn / Yelm, WA

Hey guys!

Sorry I couldn't blog yesterday, I didn't have any internet access! I'm visiting my family in California and I'm staying with my mom and dad. :) I've missed them so. It's so good to see them! I'm so happy right now! :D So yeah, for the next 5 days my blogs my not be day to day depending on the internet access (right now I'm at my sister's house and she has internet). So it puts a tiny little dint in my everyday blog writing, but I'm visiting my family, so who cares? :) The 365 day deadline can wait a couple of days, right? :)

Well, today I've been at my sister's house all day. I'm blogging from her computer as we speak and there's a little grey kittin flustering in the papers behind me (he's so cute!). It's like a little fur ball (the fur is so soft, it reminds me of a baby chick's). So, I've had a very fun, relaxing and leisurely day at my sister's house today. I've been playing with my four year old niece and my 1 year old nephew (they are adorable!). I've been holding them all day (how many times does their aunty get to hold them? I mean, I only live in Alaska...long ways away). So yeah, today has just been fun. We've been drinking tea (this is my third time drinking green tea today, I love tea time), and I played hop scotch with my niece and we swung on the swings, rode on the bikes, walked around, and fed the chickens. Yes, chickens. :) Did you know that what ever color legs the chicken has is the color of eggs it's going to lay? I did not know that! So cool! My sister told me that today! Very neat little fact. I was like, really? I was definitely amused. For sure. The cat is messing with my shoe right now, I just want to pack it in my purse and bring it to Alaska with me.

Well, we're about to have a quick dinner soon, and then off to my brother's house we go. We're all gonna pack in the car and drive over there (I'm so excited by I get to see his kids too!). I am definitely a proud auntie. :)

So, I really love today's quote. It rocks. It's true, well-behaved women rarely make history. Take Amelia Earhart, she was a strange one for her times, she wore pants, and she flew planes, she was the outcast of her society, and yet she made history. And another favorite radical of my, Mother Teresa, that women was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!! Her simple acts of kindess and laying down her life for others had changed millions of lives! This woman was a radical lover (I'm reading her biography right now, it's very neat, definitely a recommended read). She loved every human soul that she came in contact with. I hope to be like her. I want to have that loving quality. Anyway, women like these had changed the world.

But you know who also changes the world? Moms. Yep. In my opinion, mother are beautiful. Being a mom takes a lot of strength, vitality, life-sacrificing love (like mother Teresa), and tons of patience. Moms basically give up their life for their kids. So if you ever come across a women with disheveled hair and tiny kids running around, respect her, because she is a mother, and she is making a difference in this world. She could be doing her own thing you know, but instead, she sacrifices her love to take care of others, very needy little others, and it's nature's most beautiful thing I must say (as I'm looking at my niece who's eating a Mike 'n Ike popsicle. LOL).

Anyway, I've been hanging out with my sister all day and her kids. The love of a mother is beautiful. And my sister is a beautiful woman, inside and out. She is very loving and caring. And her kids adore her. They give the biggest smiles when they see her. :) I love it. And you know what? She is making history you know? She is changing the world as we speak. And she is making the world a better and safer place. She is my hero. Mothers are my heroes. As well as fathers. :) (I love my dad).

And to you dear reader, if you have ever raised a child, or parented a kid, foster or not, or even if you're a day, I want to congratulate you and thank you for doing you part to make the world a better place, because without your love a child wouldn't have made it out alive in this world. Thank you for your sacrifice, thank you for your love.


I better get going, I don't want to miss a moment of spending time with my family.

We're about to eat some yummy ice cream.

Ok ya'll,

Have an excellent and tasty night!

Much Love,

-Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., here's a link to my sister's business, it's actually pretty cool, check it out if you want, she sells all kinds of natural make-up, cleaning products, vitamins, body care, and super cool accessories. Visit; and enter this IBO# 5930883 (And you can even start your own business package, I think I might even do so myself! Tjey've got some cool stuff).

Ok guys and dolls!

Goodnight! :)

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