Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 71 "Be yourself. You are wonderful just as you are." Sue / Mount Tabor, NJ

HEY!!! :)

Well, I'm not gone yet, but I will be! I leave in the a.m! Whaaa-hooo!!

So today was kinda sporadic. I guess. I missed class, e-mailed everyone last minute to let them know I'm not gonna be here, went to work, helped a friend who got locked out of her house, and mostly just doing little things here and there just trying to make sure that I have a comfortable flight tomorrow. Trying to pack ahead of time (I'm pretty much all packed, yesss!!!) Well, so far so good, I guess my mind is more sporadic than my day because I'm just going all over the place with checking mental check lists off in my head, all of my to-dos).

Well, I've been practicing my Posh Savannah Southern Accent (the character I'm auditioning for has a Savannah Accent, so I'm practicing every opportunity that I get). So far so good, I've practiced my accent on a few people and they've all said that it's pretty darn good. Yeah! That's good to hear! I'm even catching myself actually talkin' Southern here and there totally by accident. Pretty cool.

Well, this week will be fun and I will be anxious. I am exicted to see my family which I haven't seen in 3 years and I'm super excited about auditioning. I don't know what to think. I'm going to study my character, accent, and auditioning techiniques book as much as possible while in flight tomorrow. And the best thing for me to remember right now is that I just need to be myself, because if they auditioners will like me, then they better like me just as I am. The point of acting isn't to be out of yourself, but to be completely yourself with a different spin on it. You can't separate yourself from you character, there will always be a little piece of you shining through, and if you try to make it too foreign from yourself, then it will be just that, foreign. And weird, and awkward. You've got to include you in the process. That's the key ingredient.

Well guys,

Off I go, I better pack up my last little bit. Say a prayer or two for me!

Good night now,

-Your very excited Fellow Chocolaier

P.S., Be yourself. You are wonderful just as you are.

And hey, check this video out, this girl is amazing!

Here are some more cool videos to watch;

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