Saturday, November 6, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 67 "Keep your promises to yourself and to others." Garda / Osburn, ID

HEY!!! :)

Today has been a pretty darn good day! :) I enjoyed it.

I woke up, had a meeting with my Russian Lit. Professor, and then drove to work, and work was absolutely fun.
Today was particularly special because it was a Friday night, (and Friday nights are always hopin' at Joel's Place), and it was just very family oriented, and by that I mean that everybody at the youth center acts like one big happy family, and it feels like family to me. It was great. And, on top of that, we had some amazing southern cookin' for dinner tonight; mashed potatoes, breaded chicken breast, steamed vegetables, and a gold ol' corn fritter biscuit. One word, YUM!

So, after the youth center, we packed the cars out with a bunch of kids from the youth center and drove to an  all-nighter youth event! Fifteen of our youth from the youth center came with. So some of the youth ministries in town partnered together to hold an all-nighter youth event. They rented the biggest gym in Fairbanks for the entire night. Sweet! Brian and I  became home early off course, we are tired, we have a very big day ahead of us tomorrow. Although we did consider going back quite a few times, you see, this  particular gym has an amazingly huge tantalizing pool located inside, so we were definitely drawn to it. But then off course, after seeing the place packed out with around 200 young people, and hearing lots of noise, we after all decided to go home. It was fun. We stayed for the concert, wish we woulda stayed for the pool, but oh well, it was fun nonetheless. :)

Afterall, we had to stop by Wal*Mart and buy some Dove Chocolates cause I ran out of mine last night! So starting today, I am starting the caramel pack. Scrum-didli-umcious! Yum!

And a short not for today's quote; keep your promises to yourself and to others. To me, this means that I shouldn't be two faced or double-standard. It's okay to be real with myself and to be honest with myself about things that I want to accomplish or what not. It's okay to make goals for myself and to actually take the time to fulllfill them, even if it's bit by bit. It's okay not to put myself off. It's okay to take care of myself, it's okay to fulfill my promises for myself. It's also important to keep your word with others. I strongly believe that when you give your word, you put your honor and reputation on the line. Your word is very important, probably more than you actually realize. Did you know that back then, people didn't have contracts and all that, but they had their word, infact, all of their business affairs and what not were based on their word. A given promise is a powerful things, it has been and is still considered to be on of life's most powerful things. Fulfilled promises show character. Haven't you ever been hurt as a kid or even as an adult when someone close you has promised something to you, but then at the last minute just kind of brushed it off and said a quick but sloppy, oh, I'm sorry, to you? It's not pleasant now is it? Infact, it breaks trust and breaks relationship. I mean, think about it, divorces don't just happen, most of the time they are a a rewsult of broken promises, partiuclarly promises called wedding vows. I know that that was an extreme example, but it's the first thought that flew into my head. But you get my point, do you?

Anyway, keep your promises. I promise, it'll be worth it, especially in the long run. Promises = reputation, and most importantly honoring those around you, including yourself.

Well ya'll

I am hitting the bed!

Goodnight! :)

Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S, What promises have you fulfilled lately? :)

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