Monday, November 8, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 69 "You do not have to clean like your mother." Heather / Carleton, MI

Hey peeps! :)

So guess what I did all day? Yep, you betcha...I cleaned! All day long!

Well, I may have taken a break or two in between, but yes, I cleaned all day! :)

Now granted the entire house isn't spotless, but it's definitely a lot cleaner than it has been for awhile (we haven't been doing our 30 minute cleans for about two weeks now). I feel accomplished. :)

So now, I am sitting on the couch with Brian, blogging, chewing on a halls (think I'm comin' down with some sniffles), watching a family friendly tv show and ready to retire for the night.

Well, today's quote was quite perfect for today and Brian ate the Dove of the day instead of me (we're on the caramel kind and he likes those best, they remind him of caramellos, his favorite candy bar. Yum (I happen to like them too), but yeah, today Brian ate my Dove Chocolate of the day and it happened to fit the day quite nicely. I don't have to clean like my mother, that's good to know, my mom pretty much tears the house apart and it looks like a tornado has hit, (which is essential to cleaning process), and then she puts things away nicely. You see, it's import to sort through things like that, to actually go through them and not just sweep stuff into the closet and let it pile to have a "clean appearance." So the tornado process is essential to sorting. And even though I don't have to clean like my mother, I think I did anyway. :) It happens.

I hope you've had a great day!

I wish you a peaceful and restful night! :)

Your Fellow Chocolatier

And you know what? Today I spent the entire day in my pajamas. It was glorious. ;)

P.S., Was watching a little bit of T.V and I thought that this was super cool, check it out if you want sometime, "Diary of Jay-Z: Water for Life." This is a really cool documentary about raising support and awareness for building wells in 3rd world countries. Kudos to Jay-Z. Very cool.

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