Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 75 "Take chances and risks - they are worth it!" Robin / Mount Holly, VT

Why hello there!

 I thought I wasn't going to be able to blog (I decided to just lay my head down for a very little, little while, and I ended up dozing off. So, if I wasn't woken up by husband (I am a light sleeper and if so much as a twig budges I wake up), I would have slept right through today's blog.

So...I have a dilemma...Yes, I do. I just realized that I've done it, I over booked myself. And this time it happens to be between my choir Christmas perforamance and my play! I thought I would be able to miss a dress rehersal, but I thought wrong. :( You see, this upcoming week is hell week for the play, which in the theater world means that you can't miss a day if your life depended on it because it's opening weekend. BUT, this week is also the ultimate rehersal time for choir, and If I don't make it, then I won't be able to sing at the Christmas concert...what to do, what to do? I don't want to be half-hearted at any one of them, but that's how it's turning out to be, if I can't be there 100% for one, I can't be there for the other. So now I have to chose, unless I call around and find a miracle by chance. Bummer. :(

I really don't like this kind of makes me sad, and a bit anxious, (a bad kind of anxious), because I'm already so emotionally attached to both things and on both sides the people are like family. This really sucks. It just really does. Yep. So, we shall see what will go down in the next couple of days, I am currently weighing my options. And tomorrow (well later on today actually), I will have to make some phone calls.

Welcome to my lovely world of decisions. It seems to me that I'm learning a lesson here...and I'm not so sure that I'm liking it. No, actually not at all, but lesson is definitely learned. Ditto.

My brother told me a Russian phrase maybe about a month ago when I was talking about double majoring in music and film. He quoted, "If a hunter trys to hunt two rabbits at the same time (if you chase two things), that he will end up getting none." So basically, it's best to pursue just one thing and to get quite good at it, because if you chase two, you won't get either. Yeah. Sad, but true, as I'm learning anyhow.

Well guys, atleast I don't have to make any decisions from now until tomorrow afternoon, so I'm going to go take my sweet time and enjoy my one day off, and then, back to reality.

Love your Fellow, double-booked, Chocolatier

And Peace to you and good night.

Sweet dreams!

P.S., How ironic today's quote is! Take chances and risks, they are worth it!

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