Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 77 "Someone is thinking of you right now." Lisa / Morristown, NJ

I hope so. I hope someone is thinking of me. :)

Hi guys,

I've had an okay day today, and a pretty crappy evening. Relationship issues. That's all I'm gonna say.

I am just super frustrated right now. I just want to beat someone up. lol. I'm just blowing some steam right now. So no worries.

Well, today was another no work, no school day due to the dangerous road conditions. I tell ya what, some people just don't know how to relax. They drive me nuts. My husband included. He's a type of guy that can't sit still, so you'd think he'd be happy for a day off, but nooo, not him. He's the antsy type. He's definitely not a homebody, but I definitely am. So we drive each other crazy when we're at home together. Ugh.

But that's marriage, right?

Well guys,

I really don't have much to say today other than I hope you've had a good day today, and I hope you don't bite at each others necks, whether that's you and your friends, you and your family, or you and your spouse and kids. Have patience with each other, after all, you've got quite a journey in life ahead of you. So have grace towards one another, (believe me, haha, it's not easy, but it's possible, so I'm learning!!!).

K guys,

And to all a good night.

Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., I am curious, how do you handle your relationship issues / annoyances? And what do you do to calm down?

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