Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 68 "Never let negative people bring you down." Carol / Palmyra, VA

Why hello there! :)

 Today way busy! But great all at the same time. :) Clocks are set back right now, so now it's 1:28am, but *without setting time back, it's 2:28 (so I am definitely sleepy). It's late. But right now Brian and I are hanging out at Mark's house having movie night. We are watching Fantastic Mr. Fox and it's pretty fantastic! I would say so! :) Is it all stop motion? Anyway, it's pretty great. I'm enjoying it, neat movie. :)

Well today was an extremely busy day at work. Lots of kids, lots of skate boards, lots of bmx bikes, and most of the candy sold. As you can imagine, all of the above call for a recipe of disaster. lol. Nonetheless it was a great day.

There was a new kid that came into Joel's Place today and he was alright at first, kind of estranged, but later when he asked to buy candy, he made a remark about my teeth, quite a negative remark. He looked straight at me and said, what's wrong with your teeth? They're nasty!" I was like, excuse me? (You see, I have an underbite and two canines, and it's not noticeable right away, but it is when I smile big). I used to be super extremely self-conscious about my teeth, I never smiled with my teeth, it took me years to accept my smile. I am planning to get braces in about a month to straighten them out. But you know what? Over the years I've learned to like myself, and I've learned to like my smile. Infact, when I mention that I am going to get braces to other people, they say "nooooooo, it's becoming, it's you, it's cute." But anyway, back to today. When the boy looked at me and said that, I knew that he was being rude. I mean, I don't really care if you make fun of me, I'm a big girl, I can handle it. But for a kid to walk into Joel's Place and be straight up rude to other people for no reason and then expecting things in return is a little ridiculous. And he wasn't just being a butt to me, he just had an attitude. It's the way he carried himself. Well, I thought, no way am I going to let this guy be so rude and let him get away with this. No way. So I flat out refused to give him service. I said unless you apologize then I won't let you buy candy. He looked at me dumbfounded, and he said, "how'd you get those teeth?" And I admit, I thought it was kind of rude when I said this but I said, "same as your face, I was born with it." He looked at me like whoa. But I think that this kid learned his lesson, although he didn't apologize, he did act polite the rest of the night. And then we got along just fine. In the beginning, the kid was just being rude on purpose, for careless reasons I suppose, just being rude because he can be, and I showed him that he can't, and he can't with me. I stood my ground and I held on to respect. I respect myself. At first, I thought, but I'm not being nice back, which I should be, I should just love on him. But then I remembered that sometimes the best way to show love to others is to stand up for yourself, be strict, and to hold your ground. I think this kid realized that he has to show others respect, at least I hope he did, he seemed to get it for the rest of the day, and he just became kinder to everyone around him. I think that in the future we will get along just fine.

So that's that guys. I made a decision today to never let negative people bring me down, and the opportunity happened to come up for me to make such a decision and follow through with it. :)

Well guys,


-Your Fellow Chocolatier :)

P.S., Never let negative people bring you down.

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