Monday, November 1, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 62 "Love is, above all, the gift of oneself." PROMISES Messages

Hey guys!

Today was a great day! :) Made yummy baked potatoes with all of the fixins for The Well. :) First time I baked potatoes just plain. :) Today's dinner was a feast! Delicious! :) And the family and friends were what topped the entire evening off. :) Made my day seeing eveybody's lovely faces.

Well, today's quote is maybe a bit cliche, but it is so true, and I happen to agree with it very much. :)

Ever heard of, "you can't love another without loving yourself?" Well, it's true. If you first can't love your own flaws, insecurities, and your own uniqueness, then it will be hard for you to love on others, because you can't even love your own self. And you know, that everything comes from the over flow of the heart, if you love and your heart is full of love, then your love will flow out on others. If your love is full of hate, it will flow out as well. You affect change, you affect the atmosphere around you. You carry it. Ever walk into a room, and think, wow...that was a heavy place, it was depressing or stressful, usually that's because the people in the room were either depressed, frustrated, or stressed. People affect change, whether that's good or bad, but they do. (I was going to say something else, but it just slipped my mind). But let's take one more example to mind; HOMES.
A home is made up of the atmosphere, of a family, and a family consists of individuals, of people with real emotions, real insecurities, real relationships. Family, individuals, bring atmosphere. A home is known by the feeling that it brings. If you live in a family where there's always tension, mistrust, yelling, and all sorts of things such as that, than it's because you live in a place where the people that are around you carry a negative atmosphere around them every where you go, and unfortunately, there's an old quote that says, "whomever you hang around with, you become," and it's true, humans influence each other, sometimes for the worse. Sad, but it's true. So yeah, vice versa also goes for happy families. Happy families carry a positive influence about them, and it all boils down to the individuals.

You know, sometimes the best thing you can do to get away from the negative influences in life is to be around positive influences (if you have negative and grumpy friends or family, then find some positive folks to hang around...I mean, you still need to love on your family no matter what, they're your family, but sometimes you need to be around a good influence, so you can be one in return. Atmosphere and influence are like smiles, they are contagious. So the way a person carries oneself, his or her attitudes and emotions, affects those that are around them.

ANYWAY.   :) After saying all of that.

I just want to say that you are a gift. And when you love, you are a gift to oneself. So go ahead and love. Love is free, it's contagious, infectious, courageous, and influential. And love really does make the world go round.

Don't know if I made a clear point or not, hopefully I did. Hopefully it makes sense, just bare with me. :)

Thanks for reading!

I am out.

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., Just learn to love yourself, a little bit at a time, take the time to do that. It's worth it. :) And out of the over flow of love your have first for yourself as a messy human being, you will be enabled to easily love those around you. Even the most unlovable. :)    (You can't love another without loving yourself).

P.P.S...I gotta wake Brian up, he fell asleep on the couch while I was using his computer to blog. Time for bed. Now I gotta drag him there. He's so tired right now. He looks cute while he sleeps. :)

Here's some food for thought;

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves."
-- 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

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