Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 107 "Courage is grace under pressure." PROMISES Message

Hey guys!

 Long time no see! (Or blog!)  :)

Sorry about not blogging, it's been crazy busy the last two days. One day I was busy, the other I was sick and slept through blogging. Gee, the 365 days in a row isn't quite working out as I thought it would be. But that's okay! As long as I am not purposefully and willingly procrastinating, then we're all good, right? I guess I'll just leave it at that. You know, it even feels weird not blogging for a whole 48 hours! It's weird! It's just so much a part of my life you know? It's crazy. I feel like I can't express myself. It's sorta like every night, before bed, I spill my guts out on through typing up this blog and I just let out the thoughts bouncing around in my head for that day. And after I blog, I feel a sort of freedom to start with a fresh slate of thoughts the next day. :) Ever had one of those nights where your body is telling you to go to sleep but your mind races with thoughts one after another? I've seldom had that problem since starting this blog! It's just exactly as I said, it's like spitting everything out and starting a new slate every night. It works quite well, actually. :)

So, today has been crazy busy at work. Not our regular youth center busy, but cleaning busy. You see, tomorrow the governor of Alaska, Sean Parnell, is going to visit our youth center! How cool is that, eh? Very! So he'll get to see what we're all about and what we do everyday, and we might get funded! So that's very neat! And I've been scurrying to get my paintings done. This Friday for "First Friday," (city wide art event on every first Friday of the month when different local shops and galleries open up their store and let local artists hang their paintings / art there and do consignment where the store / shop / gallery gets 50% off of your painting if someone gets it, and you get the other 50%), I am going to have 10 of my paintings hanging up at Chartreuse! Yah! How cool is that?! And guess what?!!!? I'm going to have the entire store to myself! That means that I am the only featured artist! WHAT?! I had no clue! I thought there were going to be other art pieces up along mine. I guess not! Well, that's pretty exciting! So now I can say that I am truly going to have my own art gallery! That is wayyy cool! I am excited and a bit nervous! I hope that people will like my paintings! I am a new up and coming artist. As soon as I get pictures of all my paintings, I'll post them up here for you guys to see! :)

Well, that's that. I probably should get to bed. Very soon. It's 5:25am. Yes, I know, late, (or early? Depending on how you look at it!) =P


Tonight, Brian and I stopped by subway. And while we were in subway, I saw a man limping and he had a cast / bandage around is knee. And when he sat down to eat his sandwich, you could tell that it hurt to move his leg. So as Brian and I were sitting there. I had heard that still small voice that said, "go pray for that man over there, lay your hand  on his knee and pray for him." I was like...ahahaha. REaLLy? ...and of course, even thought it took me five minutes to get up...I went over to the man and asked him if I could pray for his knee. And he said yes. And so I did. And afterward, he said thank you.

And then Brian and I walked back to the car and drove home.

You know, I don't know the outcome of what happened, don't know if his knee was healed on the spot or if he felt any better or anything really. But I knew that that's what I needed to do. And so I did.

Who knows? Maybe I'll run into him one day. And I guess we'll see won't we now? But I believe that his knee is going to be / or was healed!

All I know is that I walked away feeling blessed and happy. I'm glad I didn't run away from this opportunity. Sometimes, even though it's kinda weird, strange, and awkward, it pays to listen to that still small voice. :) Ya'll know what I'm talking about. Hint hint. :)

Well, I am off to bed.

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier! :)

P.S., COURAGE IS GRACE UNDER PRESSURE!!! Boy is that the truth!! :)

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