Friday, January 28, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 122 "Chocolate brings good things to life." PROMISES Messages

Hey ya'll!!!

 I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! GUESS WHAT?!? In half an hour, at the stroke of midnight, I will no longer be 21 years old!!! I'm going to be an old fart! Hah! :) Actually, I'm pretty young, the older I get, the more convinced I am that 30 is actually quite young yet.

And forty isn't all that bad either, neither is 50, I guess I'm one of those, "love every season" type of people. :) I am like that with age, moments, and actual weather seasons.

I think that life is a beautiful thing, so you gotta take a day at a time and a moment at a time.

You know, I've always said that I want to be the type of grandma that can run and play with her kids. I definitely want to keep up a fit regime so that I can be healthy! I want to be an active parent and an active grandma! I don't want to sit on my butt! Although, we'll see where life takes me right? I hope for the best! :)

The ballet class that I'm taking is quite amazing by the way! I'm lovin' it! :)

Well has been a pretty good day but the night was kinda rocky. I work from 2-9pm, and I am the cafe manager, so we had a bunch of oranges and lemons that we picked up from the food bank last week, and they were starting to go bad, so today we made real lemonade (yum!), and we made orange juice...except...we did that all by hand, the lemons were easier cause we only had to cutt them once, but the oranges took about an hour and a half to squeeze the juice out of. They were a bit tricky because we had to cutt them a few times and pitt them. So two kids decided to volunteer their time to help me. They volunteered an entire hour to juicing the oranges...and when we were about 3 cups of juice away from of the kids named Lee decided to be a bit obnoxious by purposefully pouring his cup of water that he was drinking into our almost finished oragne juice....and so...we had to throw the orange juice down the drange...and you pretty much can guess how the rest of the night went down. All the kids that were around including those that were jucicing were mad a Lee, and Lee got kicked out for tonight and all day tomorrow. It was quite the stupid thing...but that's what happened.

I wasn't so much upset with the fact that he poured his water/spit/backwash into our orange juice as I was upset about how much work was put into juicing the oranges by the kids. That's what upset me, the disrespect.

Well...guys...I am going to bed!!! Well...maybe I'll drink some tea first! :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! (I'm counting down for the next 8 minutes!!!) Crazy!!!! I will be double trouble now! Twenty-two! Craziness!

***Thank you God for letting me live!!!

Goodnight ya'll!!!

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., Today, I indulged in a bit of chocolate for breakfast lol! Chocolate does bring good things to life!

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