Monday, January 24, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 119 "A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link." PROMISES Messages


I did not get today's quote! My husband man had to explain it to me! Don't make fun of me! =D

It took me a little while to get it too. Haha.

Hmm...this makes me think of community. The chain concept reminds me of the word community which is among some of my most favorite words. Community is a beautiful thing / idea. When people come together for a common purpose, it creates a co-unity, which is community! And it's amazing when everybody works together to create a safe, strong, and healthy community! I love it! I love that the entire world centers around some sort of community! One or another, a community is a part of our daily lives, in fact, that's what makes up our lives, is the relationships that we are in. We live for each other, we serve each other, we celebrate our birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, and we comfort each other at funerals and tragic events. We co-habitate. We live in a community. The entire world is made up of communities. It's just SO BEAUTIFUL! I'd have to call it "All the peoples of the World." Infact, I think I might just plaint a painting called exactly that! "Light bulb!" :)

Well, I believe in empowerment, encouragement, enablement, and healing, and I favor love. :) I enjoy human relationships and think that they are among the most beautiful things that exist on this planet. Sometimes, we become weak, and when we're weak, we break, just like the link on the chain. And when the link breaks, that link affects the entire chain. And so it is in our lives. Each life is like an individual link connected in a big chain, and when a link breaks or is weakened, the entire chain (community) weakens. When we lose a loved one, our chain is broken, and all of the other individual links are affected and are not as strong as they used to be, they no longer make up the same chain. And so we are. Each of us has a beautiful mission in life. YOU ARE BORN WITH REASON AND PURPOSE. AND YOUR LIFE IS IMPORTANT. YOUR ARE NOT A PROBLEM, YOU ARE A SOLUTION TO THIS WORLD, OUR WORLD. AND WE NEED YOU. YOU ARE A LINK, AND WITHOUT YOU, THE CHAIN IS WEAKEND.

So don't give up. Whatever you are going through, know that you are loved, and you live in a community of people, a chain. And you were born into a chain called family. And you add more links as you go along, called friends. So when you break or weaken, the rest of us are affected and we are no longer as strong as we used to be. You are needed and wanted, because without you, the entire chain is affected like a ripple effect. You are an important link. You bring a uniqueness and strength to the chain, so if you need any help, let someone in your family or let one of your friends know what is going on. Let us help you. Let us love you. And let us ask you for forgiveness if we need to. But don't give up, because you are needed and loved. YOU, my dear friend, are a link, and together, we make a strong and beautiful chain. Don't give up friend, keep pressing on.

Well, that's all I have to say.

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

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