Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 110 "Take chancesand risks - they are worth it." Robin / Mount Holly, TX

Hey guys!

Today's quote is my number 1 repeat quote! And I thought that it was very timely. :)

I'm thinking of switching jobs. I mean, I'll still be working at the same place, but instead of being the administrator, I will be the Cafe Manager. And you know what, I'm really considering doing this. I think I will like it. I think it's timely and opportune. So I think I'm going to take the risk! :)

The position pays more and will allow me to get creative with food (which is what I love to do!)

So, I better march right up and take it. At least through the Summer.

But I'm actually pretty excited! I think that this will be great!

Well, say a prayer to me if you think of me. There's lots of decisions that I need to make in the next upcoming week. Lots of change.

Well guys,

Hope you have a restful night

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., What chances and risks have you taken lately? :)

P.P.S., Brian and I are watching "Laugh Your Way To a Better Marriage." IT'S GREAT!!! WE LOVE IT!!!

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