Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 121 "Celebrate what you want to see more of." PROMISES Messages


Awww man, my eyes hurt so bad! My computer screen doesn't light up very well, so I have to squint my eyes to type pretty much everyday. I feel like I'm ruininng my eyes by constantly straining them, you know what I mean?

Well anyhow, today has been a pretty normal day I suppose. Very chill.

Ah! But wait! The exciting part of my day was that I had my very first Beginners Ballet class today! And it was a BLAST! I had so much fun! I felt very at peace, and strong! You know, although ballet doesn't require sweating moves such as Insanity or P90X or Karate, it is a slow stretching, muscle building, strength building type of sport. I mean, wow! I did have a lot of fun today, and I love all of the crazy fun classical music we listen to while we do ballet! I felt like I was in France today because of it! Haha!

Well, and of course, another interesting part of my day was that I made sloppy joes for the very first time and they were delish! Yay me! I was super happy! A couple of kids came back for 2nds, and one kid came back for thirds! It was funny! You know, I've come to the conclusion that kids like messy foods, simple foods, and pasta-rich foods. They also love tomato rich foods! A good example of all of that is "spahgetti," which I am making tomorrow! One kid even mentioned it after I thought of it! He's allergic to wheat, so he saw some rice noodles in the cabinet, and his eyes got all big and wide-eyed, and he said to me, "you know, you can use those noodles for spaghetti for me next time you make spaghetti for everybody. I like rice noodles." And he was super happy when he told me that too! It was sweet! And so then I looked at him and smiled and said, "well guess what, I'm making spaghetti tomorrow!" And he told me that he would try to be there! LOL! It was a fun moment. :)

Well...lately I've been a little more patient, and I also have been able to somehow miraculosly laugh at life's imperfections, usually I get upset and shut down for a bit, but lately, I've just been laughing everything off. And not just like a little laugh, but a full blown, that's hilarious type of laughter! And it's been great! I've gone from one extreme to the other. Not sure if that's good or not, but is feels good. It feels good to laugh rather than shlump! :) I feel so much more light-hearted and playful nowawdays! I don't know, but lately, in these past couple of days, especially yesterday (although I had a pretty crappy night yesterday), I have seen a positive change in myself. It's been kind of a liberating, freeing, a good kind of careless type of change. Like a no-fear of man type of change. You get what I mean? I feel more confident in just being myself! And that is something I would like to see myself doing more often. I am celebrating myself, the process of accepting myself, and liking myself. I thought I liked myself, but now I realize that I was kind of in the side lines, I wasn't really all that kind to the person of who I am, at least, not really. I've just been finding out more about myself lately, and I have been accepting of myself more than I have ever before, and it feels great. I'm learning things about myself, what I like, what I don't, who I am, what I stand for, what matters, what doesn't, what things I need to shrug my shoulders to and let go of, what and who I need to forgive, including myself. I am not perfect, but I am perfectly me, and this year, I hope to celebrate that even more, and I hope to celebrate that by lots of laughter! I love laughter! So I hope I experience it much more often!

I am excited! ARe you? :)

Well, night night guys!

Sweet dreams! Too-da-loo! :)

-Love Your newly acquainted with oneself Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., I challenge you to stand up in front of the mirror sometime very soon and say Hi to yourself, and notice yourself outside yourself! Notice you from an outsider's point of view, as a person. :) Be kind. :) In fact, I dare you to that right now! Turn your computer off, and go find a mirror and wave hi to yourself! (You might want to do this in the bathroom, by yourself, so it won't appear as though you have an imaginary friend, lol, or you can, whatever...sometimes, imaginary friends are cool too! lol)

Well guys!

Have at it! ***NOtice yourself from another's eyes***, some say, *Look at yourself through God's eyes."

So, take a look! And tell me, what do you see?

I was looking for eye pictures and I found this on somebody's page; "God wants you to know… that when you feel down, look at yourself through God’s eyes. There are times when no matter how hard you try, you just cannot accept yourself as you are. During such times, think of how you look to God’s eyes. In God’s eyes, there is no judgment, there is only acceptance. God sees your light when all that you can see are your shadows. God loves you more than anyone could ever love you as you really are."

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