Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 120 "All the world's a stage, be a star!" PROMISES Messages

Tell you what!

I definitely don't feel like a star right now! I'm having a pretty crappy night!

GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so freakin' frustrated right now!!!! BAHHHH!!!!

Well...I guess this writing is semi-theraputic. I think sleep will be even more theraputic. Everybody has pretty crappy days and nights though right? I know that I am. And you know what the funny thing is? Is that I am the culprit of my own problems. I see myself creating a super storm of problems and my attitude runs to home base with them. If only I could control my thoughts and actions. I used to be able to easily, but somehow...over the course of the last couple of months, my nerves and patience has run short. Its sucks. Gahhhhh!!!!

WEll...I guess I am a work in progress, and I am working on getting back to the healthier, more balanced, patience part of me. Lord knows I am definitely a work in progress. LOL! Ay-ya-yai!

Well...Today was day numero uno of my acting class. It went pretty well. We went over the class syllabus, learned each others' names through silly ice breaker games, and got out early. Which reminds me since I'm typing about my class that I need to go buy my acting books. Yes. We have assigned reading, and quite a bit actually, but I don't mind much at all because it's all about acting, and lately I've been trying to get my hands on any acting material that I could possibly find.

Well guys,

I better get to bed. I am plain cranky. Just ask my husband. You know...it's a wonder of families and spouses stay together when they get to see the best AND the worst sides of a person. It's really quite a miracle I should say.

Anyway...I should probably go ask for forgiveness and probably forgive myself and go to bed with a peaceful conscience and mind, and heart including.

Well peeps,

I am off to bed.

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., never take vengeance into your own hands, it belongs to God and God alone.

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