Saturday, January 8, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 108 "Act on your dreams." PROMISES Message

Hey guys!

 GUESS WHAT?!? I had my very first "First Friday" event tonight! I had 10 art pieces (paintings) hanging up in the gallery. Whoo-hooo! Yeah! I'm happy.

It was a whole lotta fun! I enjoyed it. Four of my 10 paintings sold! Yeah! And that was in the first 2 hours of the event! How cool is that!? My paintings will be hanging up at Chartreuse for the rest of the month. I think I might do another First Friday next month. I don't know, but I'm suddenly excited to create, create, and create. :)


Well, for the entire year of 2010, I had 'have my own "First Friday Art Gallery" written down as a goal / dream / to - do. So it was finally cool to have one. And I totally did not expect to be the featured artist! I'm what you call a "closet artist." Man! That was a blessing! To have an entire gallery all to myself! Wow! That was definitely unexpected! Good things I had 10 paintings handy! :)

Well anyway, today was a pretty great day full of great opportunities.

I guess it's time for me to go to bed. I am cranky, tired, and sick.

I might be coming down with a virus. Hopefully not. Hopefully this soar throat will go away.


Goodnight lollies and jellyspoons. :)

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., My high school teacher was art my art show and she bought one of my paintings! (I missed her by an hour, usually there's a small crowd in the beginning (5 o'clock), but when I showed up at 6, the place was hoppin!' So I missed her by an hour, but she let the other girls know that she "had to buy a painting."  :) Cool huh?

1 comment:

  1. I keep trying to leave a comment, but so far have not been able to. anyways, I really like the painting I bought, did not realize the extent of your talents. thank you for making your work available.
