Sunday, January 2, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 105 "A hundred men may make an encampment, but it takes a woman to make a home." PROMISES Message

Hey guys!

 Today has been a pretty special day! I stayed home, (day off) and pretty much just honestly relaxed all day. I actually feel truly rested. That in itself is a very rare thing. I just feel rested and happy. Granted I didn't finish all that I had set out to do today, I had a pretty fantastic day. Brian was at Ice Alaska teaching other fellow volunteers how to work stuff on the computer, so I didn't see him for more than half of the day. And when he came home, he surprised me by wanting to take me out to Denny's. But I just ate right before he came home, so instead, we decided to go to Cold Stone's, eat some yummy ice cream, and then catch a movie with the free tickets we got as Christmas presents. Originally I had not planned anything for today except for a little cleaning here and there such as laundry, so today was a treat. I liked going out. It was fun. And of course, after Cold Stone we stopped by Taco King because we had some time to kill, and we decided to call Mark and see if he would like to come to the movie with us. And so we snagged him to watch the movie with us. All three of us had a blast. It was just a lot of fun. We love hanging out with Mark. Hey, anythin with movies or food, I'm definitely there. One person was missing however, and that would be Heather. Next time, we'll have to snag her along too. :) We'll just have to kidnap her and take her away from her busy-ness. :)

Well, today has definitely been a great start to a great New Year! I am excited! How about you?

You know, I've been thinking about homes and the atmospheres that homes bring, and you know, I've been thinking a lot about family and relationships (trust me, I'm going somewhere with this). I've come to the conclusion that relationships are what make a home. Because you can come into a nice and rich home but if the family relationships / dynamic stink, then you're not gonna feel very welcome and it's not gonna feel very home-like. The atmoshpere will feel cold, stiff, and un-inviting. And vicer versa, if you come into a home that's shabby and doesn't have the richest of riches, but the hosts of the home are kind, warm and inviting, then you'll never want to leave. It's funny how relationships bring or break atmosphere when it comes to homes. Sure, decor is nice and may have a little influnece, but honestly, decor doesn't really matter, it's the atmosphere that comes from the way that people treat each other. A kind host will have a kind atmosphere. :) So, that's one of my hopes and prayers for this year and for the rest of my life, that my house will will be a house of peace and welcome. That when anybody comes over, that they feel peacefulness and warmth. And for my house to be a warm and welcoming place, I have to be warm and welcoming. :) And so I hope to be exactly that. I hope to be a woman that makes a home, not an encampment. :)

Well guys,

I'm going to eat a little snack and maybe drink a bit of tea, and then I will be off to bed. :)

Nighty night guys!

And have a happy and blessed New Year ahead of you!

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., What kind of home atmosphere do you hope to bring / have? :)

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