Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 115 "Believe the best in others." PROMISES Messages


 That's amazing! I was just thinking exactly about this quote before I opened it! (I was pondering over the concept). Lately I have been opening my Dove Chocolates right before I blog, I really should start opening them up in the beginning of the day like I used to, that way I can reflect on the quote throughout the day.

But so far, this is how it's been working out, late night.

Anyway, last night I didn't blog because I spent the night at my grandma's house in Delta! I found out that my cousin hooked up the internet over there late last night, but I was already too tired. But that's good to know! No more "no blogging" excuses right? Right! :)

So, I'm switching jobs, still working at the same place, but now I am going to be the Cafe Manager and I'm going to be cookin' dinner everyday! Cool huh? :) I'm pretty excited! Tomorrow is my last normal day for my front desk job, and then off to cookin' I go!!! Yeah! I'm pretty excited about messing with food! I find it quite fun. :)

Well anyway, Monday and Tuesday (today), was pretty much my last days off for awhile because I have to train others to take over the front desk and I'll be busy getting into the swing of things with this new job, and on top of that, school starts this Thursday! Crazy, huh? :) I'm pretty excited, I'm taking beginners ballet and acting 101!!! And I might throw in an art class...we shall see. Hummm... :)

Well, the reason I drove down to Delta is to get a free haircut! My auntie owns a hair salon in Delta and she is A M A Z I N G!!! She is such a great hair stylist! I got a haircut and extensions, I didn't get my hair dyed like I planned (cause I dropped by last minute and we kept missing each other's phone calls), but my hair look great anyway! At first I wasn't quite so sure about my hair, cause usually she cuts it dry, but this time around she cutt it wet, so I think she may have cutt more than expected. So basically, I got what you would call a "modern mullet." At first, I was kind of not sure about it. But that's how it always is with me, anything new takes me awhile to get used to and then I end up loving the change a hole lot. :) I actually love my modern mullet, it has such great punk rock personality and it's very versatile. It wasn't what I was expecting to get, but now I have it. It looks kinda Anyway, I'll try to post a pic of my new hair on here so you can be the judge for yourself! How about that? :) Which reminds me, I need to go to the Chartreuse tomorrow to take pictures of my painting before they get taken down! They've almost been hanging up there for an entire month! Cool! :) A couple of people have come up to me and they have encouraged me to keep pursuing art because they say I have a talent. That was definitely very encouraging! :) Now I just gotta figure out how to get painting canvases for cheap!

Speaking of cheap...we hung out (Brian & I) with our friends Stacy & Tyler tonight and we had a blast! (Besides Brian choking on his rock star which was super scary by the way), we deifnitely had a great time playing Phase 10 (which took FOREVER), we ended up quiting early and then started a movie and ate some Moose Tracks ice cream! Speaking of Moose, on the way to get my hair cut this morning I saw 24 Moose hanging out in a field! At first I thought they were horses or bulls, and then I realized it was an open field and when I looked closer, it was a bunch of Moose! CRAZY!!! A whole 24 of 'em!!! Wow! You know, I don't think that Moose herd together like that, so it was definitely an interesting sight! Anyway, back to the story...we ate some super yummy white sauce pizza, some fresh cutt veggie salad, and sunchips! We just had a blast tonight! And we finished the night with a movie, we watched "Double Jeapardy!" It was fun! I forgot about a love scene in the movie, so while that was going on the screen, Stacy said "mommy is killing daddy" and when she said that, Brian busted out laughing with his mouth full of the rock start energy drink, which he ended up inhailing in the wrong way...and it was scary, at first we thought he choked lightly and was following with laughter, so we were laughing along with him, and then we soon came to realize that he was actually heaving and choking. He later told me that he was about to tell us to call an ambulance. It was bad, and it freaked the heck out of all of us. But thankfully he recovered and we ended the night in a fun way. :)

So...back to what I started with, tonight Stacy introduced me to this super cool website called, and it's a website for cheap priced, great quality make up!!! It's amazing!!!!! They sell stuff for a dollar on there! I would stronly recommend this site! P.S., they also have a FREE SHIPPING deal going on 'till the 24th of January! Anyway, this site is great! I'm going to start ordering stuff from there! She showed me the make up she bought from there, and it's pretty great stuff! I am most definitely converted! Me, I am a bare minerals type of gal, and a little jar of bare minerals usually costs me $25.00, well, on they have mineral make up for $5 dollars a jar! And it's the same stuff and has even been compared to bare minerals! AND, I felt their make up brushes, and they are sooooooo much more softer than the ones bare minerals has! I am definitely converted!!!

Well guys, lately I've been reminding myself of something that my grandpa used to say all the time, he used to say, "look for the good in people, because there's already so much bad in the world, and we had so much bad in us, so whenever your around somebody, always look for the good in them."

And that quote has defintely stuck with me. We really do have enough bad, and you know what? I really don't want to nor do I have the time to focus on the bad stuff in life. So I really do try to look for the bright side. So I will believe you and give you the benefit of the doubt before I doubt you, atleast I try.

So, I was thinking about all of the women in my life, and how strong each and every one of them are, they possess their own unique strengths, and I am just thankful for them, I am thankful for their beautiful lives, and for their specific strengths and abilities, and I can list a bunch of women on here, my friends, my aunts, my cousins, my grandma, my mom, and I can list all of the positive and admirable things about them on here...and there is just SO much!!! :) I am grateful for knowing such women.

Anyway...I believe the best in others, and lately, I've been makinga it a point to do so.

Well guys,

I am going to drink some more tea, maybe snack on a little somethin' somethin' and then head off to bed because guess what?! I have an orthodontist appointment for my braces in the early morn at 9:30 am!!!

I am excited about getting braces! :)

Well guys


-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., When I was coming home from Delta today, I decided to stop mid-way to go to the bathroom because I had to pee really bad so I pulled into the "Salcha Market & Gas Station," and on pulling in, I pulled in slowly too, I don't know what happened but my car ran into the ditch. Now it wasn't a deep ditch, about 4 feet deep, but not like 10 feet or anything, but it was definitely shocking, because it felt like the ditch jumped out of nowhere. I think what happened is that it was getting dark and unusually foggy around that area because it was a bit hard to see so I ended up overestimating how wide the turn was, and I ended up in the ditch. So it took me around 10 minutes to get out, I was reving my car up in front of a trailer that was next to the gas station. Next thing I know a man walks up to me and asks me what happened, turns out it was the owner of the gas station, and I was tearing up his yard, (his trailer), but he was joking about it. So he asked me if I needed help getting the car out of there and if I had four-wheel drive, and so he drove the car out. I told him I was sorry all of that, he said, "oh no problem, it actually happens about once a day." So that made me feel a lot better knowing that!! LOL!!! It's just a steep turn, and if you overestimate it, you'll be in the ditch. It was good to get help! :) And then of course I used their bathroom, thanked them again, and was on my way driving carefully from there on out. :)

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