Monday, January 10, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 109 "Calories only exist if you count them." PROMISES Message

Craziness! Craziness!! CRazineSs!!!

Hi guys!

 Today has been a stay at home kind of day. That's what Brian and I ended up doing. I stayed at home 'cause I'm sick and I don't feel well. He stayed at home because he wanted to hang out with me. I've got myself a pretty nice husband. Most days. ;) Just playin'. He's a good one.

Well..I told myself that I was going to go to sleep more than an hour ago...but now it's 10 minutes away from 5am...and I am tired, but not  quite sleepy yet. has been miserable. I've been sneezing right and left and have had snot running down my nose the entire day. I don't even remember much of what I did today, but I do remember drinking a whole lotta tea. I guess my memory doesn't serve me too well while sick.

Brian and I had a little tiff and then worked it out. (I guess that's bound to happen when you're stuck together in a tiny space for around 24/7 hours). But all is good. And we pretty much ended the night with Gin Rummy (not sure if that's spelled correctly or not). Yeah. Brian taught me how to play. I didn't think that I would like it, but I actually thoroughly enjoyed it. I wouldn't mind playing again. Fun game. :)

But man! Today's quote is probably by far my most favorite one so far!! Ha! :) "Calories ONLY exist IF you count them." Notice I what words I capatalized. ;)  I couldn't agree even more. This little quote wins the nobel prize with me. Hah! :)

Actually...I remember that around my 8th grade year, calorie counting had become this huge fad...and was splattered all over the place. Celebs were doing it, the news was speaking it, and school health class was teaching it. It basically freaked everybody out. Everyone was consumed by counting those little bits of energy that food gives. It was crazy. Why the heck would you count? Just eat it! If you like it. Eat it. That's my theory. If you like it, eat it because if you don't, then there's really not need in eating it. Come people, food is an enjoyment. And I'm not saying go binge of cookies and ice cream for an entire week straight, I'm talking about moderation. Yes. Healthy moderation. The key is balance. If you eat foods that are good for you, and that are healthy, and you balance out the goods from the bads, then you're in good hands. And something sweet once a day, not too big, is perfectly okay to eat. Just a portion. I mean, reward yourself. Ya know? :) Or once a week, it's all up to you.

Me, I am on the Sea Food diet ...I SEE food and I eat it. :) Well, I don't eat EVERYTHING. "Cause I don't like everything, I like the foods that I like, and I keep a balance between healthy, moderate, and tasty but not the best for you. :) But mostly I eat very healthy and that's because I LOVE eating healthy food. It tastes better to me. So I eat what I like. Between the calories you burn throughout the day, and sleeping at night, you end up burning quite a bit. And if you exercsise, you have to supplement the energy (calories) lost with more energy. Yes guys, calories = energy. In fact, every time you think calories, just erase that word from your memory and put energy. 'Cause that's what it is. since calories mean energy, then your body is like a fuel tank. And the calories are it's fuel. It's what you live on. Think of your body as a car and food is gas / fuel. Now, you don't want to put cheap fuel in your car all the time...cause it will mess / break down easily. But if you give it the good stuff, then you'll keep it running longer. So, same with your body. Good food full of nutrients will keep your body healthy longer (keep your car runnin' longer). So, treat your body right. Eat. And eat whatever you like, and eat in moderation. The whole enjoyment in food is taste. So why eat something you don't like, right? I mean, ya, you can go all vegan (nothing against vegans),  and forego your taste buds, but then you're kinda missing out on a big chunk of life. So...I guess it's all up to you. But calories only exist if you count them. You know, you even burn calories while sitting on the couch just watching t.v. Your body runs on calories. Without them, you won't be alive.

K. I think I've lectured you enough. Probably partially to my sleepiness. I tend to ramble when I'm tired. So sorry about that. :)

Love you guys!

God bless you!

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

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