Monday, January 17, 2011

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 114 "Take care of your wonderful body." Sheila / Winston-Salem, NC

Hey ya'll!!!

 Today has been a gosh darn pretty good day.

I tell ya what though, I am tired, and am about to fall asleep, but I don't want to cause Mark is here and I LOVE hanging out with Mark! :) But that's okay, if I REALLY want to go to bed, I'll just go to bed. Brian and Mark can hang out in the living room. :)
One of the messages that's been hitting me up lately or one that I've been hearing lately is to "take care of my body." And you know, I've been making an effort to do so! It's been fun!

I bought a book called "The World's Best-Kept Beauty Secrets." -What Really Works in Beauty, Diet and Fashion." By Diane Irons. And you know what? This book has some pretty good stuff!

Here's an excerpt from the book; (I've been following this, I do the milk stuff, you'll know what I mean in a minute)


"The first rule of beautiful skin is to stop overcleansing it. This is an unneccessary habit, especially true of owmen in this country. Unless you've been up all night digging ditches (you poor dear!), your face is not dirty. Your morning routine should be nothing more than reactivating last night's moisturizer with a splash of warm water or milk. Why milk? Milk is a lactic acid and will allow your face to receive a natural acid treatment.

Please be aware that many of the acids on the market today are synthetic acids that have caused problems with some women. There have been reports of everything from sensitivity rashes to permanent scarring. Be careful of the chemical acids you use, and when you can, substitue nature's acids in your cleansing routine. In addition to milk, consider these natural acids:

1. Pineapple juice
2. Lemon juice
3. Tomatoes
4. Most citrus fruits

So yeah...the whole milk thing is something I've been doing lately (except I'm outta milk right now, ran out yesterday), and it's been working great! My face feels sooo soft and supple afterwards! And it takes about 2 minutes for it to dry, but there is not sticky residue left over afterwards! It works great! I'm lovin' it! :)
Well guys,

I think I headed off to dream land!


-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., I cleaned the entire living room today! Score! And I spoke at The Well tonight! That was fun! And Mark came over afterwards and hung out with me and Brian! Double score! :) Yah!!!

Goodnight! :)

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