Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 101 "Enjoy life, it is the greatest gift." Paula / Layfayette, LA

Hey ya'lls!!! :)

Today was a great day! I throughly enjoyed it! What a day! What fun! :)

Well, actually, today started out to be a sick day, so I took the day off from work (hence why I didn't blog last night 'cause I took NyQuill and was out in a minute), and we started our 2 hour drive back home but our car started wigging out. So what we thought would be a sick day of staying in bed at home, turned out to be an extra vacation day with the family because we had to turn back around and go back to Delta. It was kind of a bummer at first because we already made it a little more than half of the way home, but the car wasn't working right, and in Delta we have family that can fix it for free instead of paying for it in Fairbanks. So it totally worked out. I ended up spending the entire day with my little cousins. And it was a blast!!! They are two little sweet girls. We did our nails together (nail art!) and it was my very first time sitting down and painting my nails like that. I had painted little flowers on them, pink flowers, green stems and leaves, on purple nails. It was so girly and sooo much fun! :) Then after that, we painted pictures on canvases. It was fun. We made all kinds of messes, watched movies, and just hung out. And to top the day off, we read each other some Dr. Seuss bed time stories. And ya know what? We had an absolute blast! :) What a perfect day! (I hope I don't get them sick), that is the only down side. I tried to keep as much distance, didn't breathe on them, washed my hands often. So fingers crossed is that I didn't pass on my germs.

I really enjoyed life today, although it's not the type of relaxing that I had originally planned, it was still most definitely a relaxing and very fun day. I wouldn't change a moment of it.

Well guys,

Night night!


P.S., Funny story: both girls have two separate rooms (which they got seperated here recently), and since Brian and I are spending the night, the youngest one was put back into her old room with her older sister. And it's funny because originally both of us had planned to sleep on the couch, well I had atleast. And when the youngest one found out that I was planning on sleeping on the couch, she said "oh no, you can sleep in my bed and I can sleep in my old room." I told her that that's okay, I was totally fine with sleeping on the couch. And then minutes later, her mom walks up to me and says that she is putting the youngest one in her older sister's room and that both Brian and I are going to sleep on the youngest one's bed. When she overheard that, she said "ewwwww!!! No Way!!! Mom, no!!!" And it was just hilarious!!!! (After that she walked out as she said,"I'm not going to sleep in that bed for three days after this). LOL. She didn't want Brian to sleep in her bed because he drools, and because he is a boy. You know, boy cooties. LOL!!! :)

Well okay, night guys!

And here are some videos to top of the night if you have some time, they are my favorite clips from one of my new fav movies! Despicable Me! :)

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