Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 82 " Enjoy this moment!" Annmarie / Columbia, OH

Hey there!

 Today has been a crazy day! I am ready for bed, it's 3:38am!

It's been super crazy cold in Fairbanks, Alaska today, we had -25 degree weather! And I tell ya what! Burrrr!!!! It's cold!!!! No fun! :(

On my way to class today, my hands were burning from the cold because I forgot my gloves. I mean, it was only but a 5 minute walk from the house to the classroom, but still...ouch! My hands felt like icicles! It felt like someone was holding dry ice on my skin. Definitely not fun. And on the way back from class. I kinda started running the closer I got to the house (it was freezing!). It's days like these that make me wonder why the heck I live in Alaska in the first place. Although the Summers are magical with their 24/7 daylight and all, three months of summer does not beat the 6 months of super cold winter....sigh. I think I've finally come to the conclusion that I am only here because some of the people that are dear to my heart and that I love very much live here, which makes it all worthwhile somehow, right? I'm sitting here blogging. Oh. By the way, on top of the freezing cold weather and my hands exploding with the cold (it's dangerous weather out there folks, people can get frost bite...easily), I had choir rehersal today, which I missed because when I tried to open my car door, the key didn't want to go into the key whole because it was frozen! But when I did finally open the door after minutes of jamming that key inside the key whole, I managed to start the car after about a minute and had to leave it running for the next 20 minutes for it to defrost and so that the heaters actually blow a decent amount of warm air. And...well...after 20 minutes I got inside my half chilled car and headed toward choir rehersal half way across town. As I was driving about a minute into the drive, I heard a still small voice say it's best to just stay home and turn around, because you're not going to make it very far, and sure enough...seconds later the heater started blowing softer, and then it completely died, and right after the heater turned car turned off. My car died right in the middle of a street section. It just went caput. And so I turned my blinkers (hazard lights) on and sat there. I called Brian in the middle of class, and of course he didn't pick up, but he did text me back. And then, (since we live right next to the fire station), a fire fighter pulled up right in front of me and asked if I was alright, I said I wasn't sure, so he pulled up behind me and put his hazard lights on as well. When I was talking with him...I tried to open the door, but my doors wouldn't open either, so I had to role down the window as much as I could (which was a slow process) to try to communicate with him. He stayed with me for a few minutes, I texted "Emergency" to Brian and he called me back. In the middle of talking to Brian, the fire fighter came up to me and asked if there was enough heat in the car and if I lived far away, I said no, I live close by, and the heat is alright. His final question was if help was on the way, and I said, "well, I'm trying to get some, but yes." And it seemed as though he was in a hurry, so he referred me back to the fire station behind me and said "if you need any help, just walk up to that door and the guys will help you, I've let them know." So that was very nice of him. So I had the car turned off because I didn't want the battery to run dead. I mean, the car was already dead but I didn't want to waste and extra juice left in it. So I battled the cold for a couple of minutes because the heat has finally dissappeared. So basically, I was just waiting for Brian and looking out for him because he was on his way. I also thought of calling Mike, our Pastor, to help us out (we can always count on Mike to help us out, he has done so much for us in the fact...he helped Brian out yesterday with that blown out tire). Mike is like our dad. :) It's cool to have a father figure like that in our lives since both of our dads live far away. I couldn't call Mike though because I just got a new phone and it doesn't have any of my old contacts in it. Bummer. Yeah, we tried that phone transfer but my old phone was really jacked up so they couldn't transfer any of my contacts. But anyway, as I was sitting there waiting for Brian, I had the bright idea of possibly just trying to start the car. I was hoping that somehow, there would be enough juice in it left over to drive those 100 meters home. And sure enough! Wa-la! The car started back up and as fast and safely as I could, I drove back to the house. And I made it! Yeah! And not but a minute later did I hear Brian running down the stairs towards our apartment. He asked me, "what happened? I just ran all the way around the fire station." And I told him that the car miraculously started back up and I made it just in time for the house.

So...we have yet to figure out what's wrong with the car, we have a couple of ideas, but nothing is sure. So we're going to try to take the car in tomorrow. How, I'm not so sure yet, but we will try, and I will wear the warmest clothes that I own just in case the car decides to break down again.

Well...that's been my day. And honestly...right now I'm really enjoying the moment of being in a warm house, having a roof over my head, food to eat, electricity, and for having a comfortable bed to sleep on. I am most definitely enjoying this moment.

Okay guys!

I am going to bed.


Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., Are you enjoying this very exact moment? This day? Even if it's a bad day, what's been good about it? Find the good in it. Count some of your blessings. It helps. :) I know I did.

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