Monday, December 13, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 92 "Do a little special something for yourself everyday." Maryann / Scotch Plains, NJ

Hey guys!

Today has been a very good day. I've just had a lot of fun. :)

My day in bullet points;

  • Woke up
  • Went to the play (our play is held over for another weekend by popular demand of the audience!) And that's pretty cool! :) So, we thought today was the last day, but it's not. I'm ready for a break though. Life has been pretty hectic in the last two months. I'm ready for a month long break. How bout you? :)
  • After the play I went to church and had a lot of fun! It was super chill, we ate "breakfast" for dinner and just had a good time hanging out together. I love my little church family. :)
  • After church I picked Brian up from work and we drove to Kelli's house and we watched "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World." Interesting movie. I wasn't fond of the sexual inuendos in there, but I thought that all of the video game effects were super cool. That made the movie worth it. It was very creative.
  • So...we had fun today! :)
The special thing of the day was going over to Kelli's house and watching the movie because I could'a just went home, cleaned, and have done some of my homework and what not, but instead, I chose to spend time with the people I love. And the latter is always the better option, I believe so. :) I had a blast with them, and I ate some yummy mexican food! So it was good. And now, I am ready for my dreams to kick in. Sleep!

Well guys,

I am pretty excited about the next couple of weeks. I am super looking forward to things slowing down a bit. I need some R&R. (Rest and relaxation).  :)

Well, gots ta go! :)

-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., I challenge you to do something special everyday for yourself, whether that taking a bubble bath, going on a date, watching a movie, or eating a chocolate, or even taking a nap. I challenge you to put off your "responsibilites" for an hour or two and just live a litte, just take a break, and enjoy your day. Slow down a bit. You have my permission. It's totally okay to do so. Just relax. K?! :)
G'night guys! :)

And one more thing, here's another cute make-up tutorial by my friend Charis! Enjoy! :)

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