Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 94 "Remember the simple pleasures in life." Love Dove

Hey guys!

I'm keeping this one short, only because it 5:54 in the morning! Ahhh!!! What am I doing up so late? LOL!!! I really need to get to bed. Anyway.

Today was my day off from work, I finished and turned in my term paper, washed a mountain load of dishes for two hours straight (they are ALL done...mwhahahaha!!!), and now...I'm an adict to's music creator. I've been diddling around on the music creator for the last couple of hours. And now I have to cut my addiction off and head to bed...otherwise I will stay up all night. This is too much fun. I blame the husband man because if he had not shown me this really cool feature on this website, then I would already have been in bed. ;)

So yeah, this is something I'm enjoying very much so. I love creating music, whether it's by computer or through actual instruments. Here guys, check out my beat that I created; has been a pretty good day. I needed a stay-at home day. It's been good. :) I enjoyed it.

Well guys,

I'm turning the lights off,


-Love Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., a friend messaged me on facebook today congratulating me for being on the cover of the SunStar paper. (UAF's paper). So cool! I had no idea! Brian brought one home earlier today and my face covers the entire page. My picture takes up the entire front page, kinda crazy! I was like...uh-oh. Hahaha!

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