Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 83 "Always smile, it disguises wrinkles!" Patricia / Phoenix, MD


I actually started to develop my first set of eye wrinkles about a month ago! Crazy!

But yes, I agree with the statement, "always smile, it disguises wrinkles!" Maybe not so much so that it disguises the wrinkles but that it actually makes them more attractive when smiling. :) And anyway, aren't smiling wrinkles a good thing? :)

Well, as you know, I am a striving actress (or starving or the other, just kidding!), and for the past hour and a half I've basically been doo-wah-dittling away one the computer looking up youtube interviews with actors and behind the scene junk. It's been fun. That's my way of taking a break and relaxing! :)

I actually better get to bet very soon here because I have a school performance for "The Miracle Worker" tomorrow and call time is at 9:30am. I am going to regret staying up once morning comes around. Lately, I've turned into a hard-knock sleeper. I used to be a much lighter sleeper, well, I mean, I still am a light sleeper but defnintely not a light a sleeper as I used to be. Albeit I'm not like my husband though who can sleep through a train.

Well, guess what? Today the car broke down while driving again! BUT, we fixed it tonight. All it needed was some good ol' ISO-HEET because there was ice in the fuel lines. So wa-la! Twenty minutes of car running with ISO-HEET solved the problem. Now we're good. We did a test drive to Fred Myers for groceries and we made it! :) No breakdowns or shlumps! Yeah! Believe you me, I wore the warmest clothes that I have for just in case (well, not THE warmest, but very warm). You know, I just wanted to be prepared just in case we did actually break down and had to walk home in -20 degree weather.Two words; double everything. Double hats, double socks, bear paw boots, long-johns, pants, undershirt, shirt, wool-knit sweater, and a sturdy jacket as well as the most warmest scarf that I could find. That's the way to do it, that's just the way to do it. There's no other way. You gotta go all the way warm. And I succeeded. :)

Well, today was a pretty decent day. It was a good day but a cold one. And, believe it or not, it's getting warmer! Today was warmer than yesterday! It was -18* below and yesterday was -25* :) So yeah. Warmer. :) Emma picked me and Brian up for work today since our car didn't wanna listen (since it went caput again).

Well guys,
I better sign out
Both off of this computer and mentally.
Time for a good night's rest.

K.K! Much Love!

Love Your Fellow Chocolatier :)

P.S., Smile! Its disguises your wrinkles! (Go ahead, I know you want to give me that huge grinch smile that curls from ear to ear!)   ;)

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