Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 10 "Never stop learning." Carletta / Aliquippa, PA

Dear blog,

 Well, today was interesting.

I only got 2 hours of about right now I feel completely e-x-h-a-u-s-t-e-d! And I certainly plan on flopping over on my bed soon. Why wait? Right? Except right at the moment I'm not home, I'm at Heather's studio, so as soon as I get home, that is my plan. Bed. Lights out. Onward sleeping blogger! Anyway...

I was fairly grumpy today. I went to bed at around 5pm and then woke up at around 6:15pm. Less than an hour later I was up. Yep. I was thinking to myself, now why did I agree to this 7:45am orthodontist appointment again? Yeah...

So..diagnosis; I will most likely have to have oral surgery. They said that was pretty much the only way of me having a normal mouth. You see, I have an underbite, cross-bite, crowding, joint coersion, mal-alignment, and one more thing...I don't remember. So the biggest problem is that basically my upper jaw is underdeveloped. So later this month, I am scheduled to go back and have a surgical profile made (where they take pictures of your mouth and profile, and then they assimilate a model to see which way is best to pursue for me...whether that is 30 months of braces & stuff or jaw surgery). I am praying that my teeth align before the next appointment so that I won't have to get surgery) that's my hoping miracle.

But yeah, after that...I went to my drama class that I signed up for, and I was told that I couldn't take it because I have to take the pre-requisite in order to be in that class. Even thought I have acting experience, but that's okay. So I had to drop the class. Bummer. But...Oh well, life goes on. And it's not a big deal. Not life or death. And the other class I signed up for I signed up a little too late for, so I was wait-listed and I didn't get in. But I did make a last minute attempt at taking a Russian Literature Class that I've been wanting to take for awhile. A 3 hour before class last minute attempt. I e-mailed the teacher, I am a freshman and this class is a junior level prerequisite with advanced levels in Russian, but I took a shot at it anyway, I e-mailed the teacher and let her know that I read, write, and speak Russian fluently. I also went to the Russian-Ukranian Language School for 8 years, every single saturday...for eight years. So that paid off. I remember HATING and DREADING coming to class...Russian schools = classes are very strict. Teachers call students by their last names, and give you grades in front of everyone else in the class. If you have and F on your report card, all of your fellow class mates will know it. Or if you don't have your homework finished for that day, you will be mocked and ridiculed infront of everybody.  Same thing goes for when your assignments are corrected. ...So yeah, I wasn't a fan, and I used to BEG my dad to quit. I just didn't want to go there, and my self-esteem as you can imagine wasn't so high in Russian school. I had mostly C's and sometime Bs, and definitely lots of D's. But I never had A's. And you know, the teachers don't help your self-esteem much, nor do they encourage their students either, instead they are made to make their students feel like they are a failure. True fact. Anyway...Russian schools are much stricter, very much like Japanese schools. And I always felt like a loser, like I was dumb, and I also didn't really have any friends, but maybe one, in my 5th grade year of Russian School. Yeah.. People there weren't very nice. I don't usually use this word, but a lot of kids were just stuck up!

So, but the happy story is that I found my niche eventually during my very last year of Russian school, I got all A's, I applied myself, I understood stuff, I had nicer teachers, and I made some more friends (2 more, to be exact, the other girl from 5th grade moved away). And so I graduated, with a Russian-Ukranian language School Diploma, Honors, and Scholarship. I was so excited that I did so well! I was suprised at myself, and I was SO happy to have a free Saturday after those 8 years. YEAH!

But you know what's funny? (or rather still had dreams where I would re-enroll in Russian school, or they would add a higher course & study and grades! Meaning that instead of my 8 years there, I would have to come back for year 9,10,11,12....) Scary right? I truly did have those night mare...quiet often, and those dreams felt real! When I would wake up, a sigh of relief would come over me. lol. True story!
(And I had a similar dream last my two hours of sleep!)
But anyway...I'm telling you this story because my dad used to tell me on the way to Russian school, inside of the car, as I was doing that day's homework, "I know it's hard, but one day you will thank me." And I used to shake my head nooooo everytime those words came out of his mouth. Thank you for this?!?  What? No freakin' way!

And...well, ladies and gents, today, I can honestly say...that I am VERY thankful that he made me go, and that I pulled through. Because now I am in the Russian literature class. I got accepted! Woot! I also have the certificate of professionally translating Russian, teaching Russian, and other things such as that. Pretty cool huh? Oh, and in high school I was able to skip all of my foreign language requirements! Yeah!

So...when I was debating this morning about whether or not I should take ANY classes this semester, and whether I should keep this Russian class or not (it's alright, but not as fun as thought it would be). Basically the class consists of reading books and discussing them, books that are in English translated from Russian books. So it's not that interesting to me...but the teacher is super cool! So when I came home from class...I had the idea of possibly dropping the class, but then I unraveled the dove of the day...and guess what it said? "Never stop learning." ...So I just looked at it and chuckled. And then I made up my mind to keep the class, even though I am a bit more at an advanced level in Russian, I am still sure that I can learn a few things from this class. And it's just chill. So why not?

That's my story.



Nighty night!

Oh good! It's only 10:34 PM, this is the earliest I've ever blogged. I think.

G'Night guys!

-Fellow Chocolatier

And here's some food for thought, from a very intelligent one  ;)  

"The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”
                                                           - Dr. Seuss

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