Friday, September 17, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 17 "Inspire others to be their best by being your best." Christina / New York, NY

Today has been  a pretty good day.

Guess what? The melatonin worked! I woke up at 8:30am (brought to you by Brian's alarm), and I was well rested! I don't remember when the last time I was so rested in the last month and a half! It was amazing! First time waking up at 8am instead of noon in a looooooonnng time! I woke up, tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't. So I got up, exercised, read all of my homework, ate breakfast & smoothie, took shower, got ready, went to school registry, fixed FAFSA, arrived early to class, class went great, arrived early to work, and then left early to go to choir practice! That's right, I joined the "Sweet Adelines!" It's so fun! It's really cute, I enjoy it. It's a barbershop choir only for women. There's only one other girl my age and everybody else is 30+, 40+ ..It's a blast! The ladies are really sweet and they are super good at what they do! It's a lot of fun to hear the end product when all four choir parts harmonize together, (we mostly sing acapella). So far so good! :)

Well, today's quote strikes quite an interest with me!  I was actually thinking about the concept for the last two days! I think it's funny how these quotes land in my lap just in the nick of time. ;) Coincidence? Maybe not! :)  Well, anyway, I agree with the quote word for word. And that pretty much sums that up.

I believe that you are the only you, and nobody else can fill your spot and fill your mold. Your are authentic and unique. There is nobody else in the world like you nor will there be anybody either. There are no copies.

I know that I am called to do a specific thing in my life, I have a purpose on my life that nobody else has with theirs, and so do you! Why you may ask? Well, simply because you are you! Nough said! :)

By you doing what you are passionate about and doing things that are under your your unique skills and creative ideas, you can change the world. It's true! And when you have your niche and are working in your space, things are set right in the universe, because you are dominating something that nobody else can dominate and you are working in your place of the universe that nobody else can work under. Does that make sense? I'm afraid I sound quite jumbled. Sometimes I have trouble expressing EXACTLY what I mean. I have trouble phrasing things, but I try. :)

By you being the best you that you can be, you inspire others to be their best, and it all ends up threading that one quilt we call life. Each person is a thread, and they have their own square to conquer, and sooner than later, if each person focuses on what they are given, together we can create a full quilt that can warm the world. Together, we are stronger, and we are greater, and by doing exactly what we are set to do, can do, are passionate about doing, we are threading the world. And it's in our hands. It's in YOUR hands. YOU, your actions, your thoughts, YOU, are in your hands, and you have the power to affect change by being the best that you can be. It's like a domino affect. If you're doing what you're called to do, and somebody else sees you doing what you do, they can be encouraged to live their life. You never know whose watching you and when. So just live your life and be the best that you can be!

If you're an artist, don't be a doctor, do art! It's what you love to do! And vice versa!

If you're called to be a stay at home mom, then be the best mom you can be in your power. (Your kids will be thankful, and will love you, praise you, and admire you). Don't worry about what other people say when you are called to do what you do! It's you! Not them! :)

If you have passion for acting, then act! Study theatre in school despite what others may say (that's it's a no-go profession). It's not the profession that makes people, but the people that make the profession! You make it come alive! If you have passion and desire for something, then go for it with all your heart! And what you set out to do will come to pass, I mean, there will be some road blocks alaong the way...but don't let that stop you! You might be the next Audrey Hepburn, Elvis, Martin Luther King, Leonardo DaVinci, Michaelangelo, or who knows! Don't try to be a copy, be your original self! :)

Do what's best for you. Simple as that.

Go make your own path, and don't follow anyone else's. Because they're not you and you're not them.

Did you know that if people try to follow the exact path of another, they tend to fail? That's because they are not following their own dreams, disovering their own talents, experiencing their experiences, because they are too busy trying to replicate somebody else's life, and that's not how life is meant to be lived!

Be real. Be yourself. Ok? :) And be the best you that you can be, because you will inspire others to do the same!
Good night friends!

-Your Fellow Chocholatier! :)

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