Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 2 "You can never go wrong with honesty." -Kim / Jacksonville, FL

Honesty? That's a pretty gosh darn good topic. Hmm...
Well...honestly...I can say that I wasn't THAT honest today. Yikes....
It was just a little white lie, you know? ...Which reminds me that a lie is a lie is a lie. Lie!
No matter how big or small, a lie doesn't have a shelf life or the priviledge of being big or small. Cause it's just that. It's a lie. It's like saying that ketchup is strawberry jelly, no matter how red or goopy it is, it's still ketchup. It won't matter if you put it on a peanut butter jelly sandwich. (Blah!) It's still ketchup. It looks red. But it's a lie. It's not jelly. Anyway...that was the first thing that popped up into my mind. Food. Go figure. I am hungry. That's why I just ate most of the chips and the peppertizer zergut pepper sauce! Hmmm...I realize that eveytime I'm here at Heather's studio, I'm eating spicy foods. Habanero Salsa, peppertizer, ect...Spice up your life! It's dangerous to blog and snack at the same time, cause I think I just inhale my food and I don't realize how much I eat! (You can tell, I am a fan of food).

Well anyway...back to the subject of lies. A lie can be a truth, twisted, or it can absolutely be a fib, with a truthful element to it. It's deception, basically. Yep. big deal right? White lie? Who cares? Ahhh...mmmhmm..I do.

So, the story; Brian and I live up on campus, in marriage housing and our shower has been clogged and the tub stop has been broken for around 3 weeks now. It's like taking a shower in a pool / bath... I've been so busy switching jobs, finishing stuff up, and getting ready for other things that I kept putting off calling the maintenance. (Go figure...there's that procrastinator side of me popping up again). And so yeah...I just haven't called. Plus the house is a mess. And you know you can't deny ever "cleaning" by shoving all of your clothes and dirty mess in the closet or under the bed and calling it good. No bueno. Haha...that's actually our best trick yet, everytime Mark and Heather come over, we shove our junk in the bedroom, shut the sliding door, and call it good. lol. boy....But we have decided not to do that anymore, and we're actually on a 30 minute clean. Everyday we set a timer for 30 minutes and clean until it beeps, and when it's done, we do whatever else we gotta do. Chill. Mostly. (I don't know about you, but I'm tierd at the end of the day...and I don't mind watching some mind numbing George Lopez shows) lol. You know you have those moments. Don't be judging. Just kidding. ;)

Well, anyway  this is what happend (I am a sporadic writer, bare with me) ...I am a light sleeper, if a mouse squeaks I wake up (we don't have mice in the house, that's just an example of how light of a sleeper I am). Brian, on the other hand, can sleep through a bull dozer. He's a log. Yep. So, today, at around 11am (we stay up late...till like 4am) so at 11am I heard somebody running down the steps with their heavy boots (everything echos to eternity in our tiny apartment hallway). So, being me, I woke up. And then I heard what sounded like a knock on our door, which was actually on our neighbor's door, and a voice yelled, "maintenance." Knockknockknock. Our neighbors who speak Russian, (I speak Russian as every time they argue I can understand every word they say...what am I gonna do? Say hey, can you knock that off? I actually understand you guys...I don't think so).  They had some kind of sink problem. And me, being the brillant person that I am, decide to snag the maintenace guy while he's out and about and only just feet away across the hall to fix our shower. Forget calling into the University Maintenance Department and putting in a notice, let's just get 'em while he's at it. But I realize...hey...haha...the house ...looks messy. Mmyeah. But who cares right? It's just the maintenance guy. But I care! It's embarrasing. (Don't be looking at the screen with a cocked eyebrow!) So...being half dazed, I get up, get ready, and unpile the mountain of laundry in the hallway into two loads of laundry into the laundry basket, and chuck the rest of Mt. Laundry into the bedroom while shutting the sliding door on the way out. Then I start making trips back and forth to the public apartment laundry room make the house clean, and in hopes of catching the maintenance guy when he steps outside. I would just be plain embarrasing to say "Hey, by the way, uhh...we have a shower problem, you wanna check us out next?" Right in the middle of the echoing hall way. So...I grabbed the detergent and walked it up to the laundry room. My hopes were disappointed. He was stuck fixing the sink and wasn't making any trips out to the car. Yes. I know. I am stalking the maintenance guy. Sigh. Ah, such is life...You know you're a college student when you're stalking the maintenance guy. So I was scrubbing the tub, so it would look clean, and was listening to the hall way. No luck yet. Then I started washing the dishes, and suddenly...dun dun dun! I hear the beautiful sound of a many rattling keys that a plumber must have, and the loud steps up the stairs. I put the dishes down and chased down the plumber. As he was getting in the car, he noticed me just standing there and staring at him, looking awkward, believe me...I felt awkward. And I said "Hi." He smiled and said "Hi?" lol. And then he knew he was caught. He wasn't going anywhere. So this is what I told him, umm...would uh you, could uh, you please, um...check our shower out? I think it's kinda messed up. "Messed up huh?"  Mmm..yeah, it's just kinda weird. I uhh...I was going to call you guys today, but since you're here,  I thought I might as well catch ya in stead of calling up maintenance and then having you come back all the way back here." He replied. "Sure, I'll check it out, as long as it's not a super huge problem that will require me to fix all day, I check it out for ya." He checked it out, and said he would be back with a new bath tub stop and a drane in 20 minutes. Cool. I went back in the house, and cleaned some more.

So, my question is, did you catch the little white lie? It's underlined. I so was not going to call maintenance today, and I wasn't planning to wake up in the morning and clean like a crazy person. Lies. They're all lies.
So, the good thing was that at the end of the day the shower was fixed. The not so good thing was that I had to make an excuse to back up an explanation. Totally not needed. Not cool. A white lie. Lame.

And that just made me wonder, how often do we actually lie like this on a day to day basis? And what would happen if we all actually told the truth ALL THE TIME. No matter what. Like in the movie "The Invention of Lying." - (Which reminds me...I need to watch all of it one of these days...I caught a little bit of it when my friend was watching it once). What if we always told the truth regardless of expediency? Regardless of looking cool or being in tip top shape. What if we lived RAW? What kind of world would that be? I can't imagine. But I can imagine. And you know what? I think I would like it. Life would be know...complicated. Less broken hearts, less controversy, less gossip, less lies, and ultimately, more truth, and more life. "You can never go wrong with honesty." Kim / Jacksonville, FL


That's that.

Much love,

Peace out!

-Fellow Chocolatier.

P.S., next time remind me not to write on a empty stomach...or you'll have to eat my words. (I tend to be distracted and write a tad tooo much).

Love you guys!

Oh...ahahaha....p.p.s. ...when Brian woke up, as he swung his legs over the side of the bed, he was like "What the heck?" What are all of these clothes doing on the ground? (laundry pile Mt. McKinely was next to his side of the bed) True story.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Now give me some chocolate! I haven't had any in two days! (2 dark lies).
