Sunday, September 19, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 19 "Celebrate the small victories in your life." Debbie / Fairfield, OH

I couldn't resist putting both of these pics up :)
(tonight's dinner) Veggie package & chopped chicken nuggets. That's the way to do it. Home made Lean Cusine. Haha :)

Hey ya'll! :)

 How's your day?'s been pretty good, aside from getting a sore throat and startin' up some sniffles. I feel a bit sick. I'm hoping that's I'll get better soon. I just felt weak today. Yup.

Well...we kinda had an eventful day. It's true. :)

I woke up today, went to the bank, deposited my check, and then went to work. I came to work on time, yay me! :) Then when Tayler came in at 2pm I left for around 3 hours until I had to go back to work, (Tayler had something today, so she couldn't sit in for her full time, that's okay though). When I left at 2pm, I stopped by the Cookie Jar Restaurant and picked up Grandma _____ Quesadilla, and was good (and cheap)! :) (Don't remember the name of the Quesadilla, but will find out and fill in the blank soon. :)

So when I came home at 2pm, Brian was sleeping. STILL sleeping. Which isn't THAT much of a suprise, or it shouldn't be. He's a log! lol! If I don't wake him up he'll sleep all day. It's true. He's a strange one, I know. Well, actually, he's just like the rest of 'em. Hahaha. :)

So...I was tempted to eat the WHOLE Quesadilla, but I knew he didn't have breakfast I left one piece for him (our of 4 pieces). I felt part guilty cause I didn't split it evenly, and part not, because I still wanted to gobble the one piece that I saved for him. lol! For those of you who are single...this is what you get to look forward to later in life...sacrifice...yes, even your food. lol. Which takes me back to the days of being a little kid and brings back the memory of when my dad would buy me and ice cream and then ask for a bite. Parents, lol, they go through a lot with us kids. :) So now I kinda know how my dad used to feel like about sharing his food. :)

Anyway...I thought I was going to clean..but that didn't happen while I was at home, instead, I vegged out in front of the T.V., and just kinda sat there. Had to get some R&R in for the week. :)

So, the day definitley dragged out because I ended up pretty much working two shifts instead of one, and I was cold and jittery the whole time. Although it was slightly warm outside, it was cold inside. I don't know how well I'll do when it comes to winter around here. We shall see. But yeah, right not I have a stuffed nose and a sore throat. No bueno. No fun. No fun at all... :(

So...tomorrow it's Brian's and my turn to cook at The Well (small group church we go to). And I hope I feel better in order for me to cook tomorrow for like 8-15 people. But yeat, after work tonight, we decided to swing by Wal*Mart (shopping is always better at night, in my opinion, no lines to wait on, just grab and go).
But when we finally pulled up to the cashiere, as we were swiping the card, we realized soon enought that we didn't have $$ to buy our grocieries. Apparently, while Brian was swipping my card, the first time that it didn't go through the chashiere asked him to swipe it again, and when he did, it was denied twice. So...that's the first time that has ever happened to us. I was lost, because I didn't know what was going on (I was packing up the food, and the next thing I knew was that we were leaving). So you know, I'm a college kid, and you know what that means. Hah. But I was confused because I just deposited $$ in the bank today...but then I remembered...oh takes them a while to process the check. Duh. And I had $$ in my savings...but for some reason it didn't pull it out...I think it's because the amount was bigger than what I had in it. But oh well! Such is life. You sigh, don't look too much into it, see if you can fix it, if not, you go on. Don't get to worked up about it. It didn't upset me, I just was curious about what was going on, cause I had no idea. All I knew was that I was packing up the grocieries and in a moment I was walking out the door. Brian was using my card, and to him it was a frustrating, but that's okay. He told me when we got out the door. Oh well, better luck next time. We'll come back tomorrow. :)

But yeah...anyway...on the way back, Brian asked me a question, something along the lines if I was upset about the situation...but no I was no. He asked me what I was thinking...and I said, "oh, I'm actually thinking about what I'm going to blog." ...and I just found that funny, that during that moment when I could've been really upset...I was thinking about what I was going to tell you guys. Yup. Isn't that funny?

But the whole Wal*Mart situation just made me thankful about the small victories that I have in my life. Specifically these; that I DO have food at home, it may not be much, but I don't lay down on an empty stomach at night. I am not hungry. I have a roof over my head, even though we live paycheck to paycheck, I am okay, I am warm in the winters, cool in the summers, and I have a guaranteed place to come home to and lay my head down at night. I am doing good so far. Don't you think? I've covered the basics, food and shelter. ;) I have a family who loves me, and all of us have good relationships with each other, we would bend over backwards for one another. I work at a youth center and I love my job, it's certainly not the highest paying job in the word, and sometimes not the most glorifying, but I enjoy being there. (Sometimes it's a pain in the butt). lol. But I love it. And I am very thankful that I am employed in such a fallen economy. I am thankful that I am able to get an education and that I have the ability to learn. I am thankful that I am healthy and that alive. And what I am really thankful for is that I have a husband who is caring, loving, and is faithful. That one always gets me. Cause it's hard living in a culture where that's not the norm. I am thankful for our relationship (mind you, it doesn't just come easy, you have to put effort and time into it, but it is worth it, and I am thankful). And I am just thankful to God that he has blessed me in more ways than I can imagine. I am thankful to be alive, to just be sitting here, being able to share these thoughts with you. AND, :) I am thankful that YOU are reading my blog! Yay! It makes my heart happy! :) It's really cool to sit down at the end of the day and check how many people have viewed my blog for that day and from what country it's being viewed! I had somebody look at my blog from India today! How cool is that!?!!! So cool! :)

Well anyway ladies and gents,

Love you much,

Hope you keep reading my blogs (go add yourself as a follower...that makes me really happy! ..if you pressure)  =D

And well.. that's about it.

-Your Fellow Chocolatier


P.S., and I am thankful for my friends! I think today that I am celebrating the victories in my life by counting my blessings. :) How 'bout you? Do you have any victories in your life? :)

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