Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 21 "Here's to something more powerful than chocolate. Hope." Leah / New York, NY

So ladies and gents,

 I realize that I have been blogging, but have been struggling with great difficulty to upload a pic everyday of the quote and a random / sometimes related item. It's sooo easy to put that part off. So, I'm going to try to keep up. Cause it's part of the blog. :) The visual, fun part, anyway. :)

Hey! So today,  4 people viewed my blog from the United Kingdom! How cool is that? So cool!

I'm going to try to keep this blog short. Short and sweet. :)

I took a sick day from work today...and I just stayed home, ALL day. I took a nap, whined at my husband a little bit, (I was cranky, good thing he's so forgiving..lol), and then I basically did laundray ALL DAY. With emphasis on ALL. AND, on top of that, the commercial dryer in our apartment doesn't work. So I had to dry each set of laundry 3 times. Each set was 45 minutes long! So I basically wasted pretty much 3 hours on one load. There's still one sitting in the dryer as we speak, but Brian promised that he will go get it tomorrow morning, (since he has class...but I get to sleep in :) ...)  Yeah...we're not supposed to use the laundry room pass 11pm, but we used it until 1am. Yep. (Shhh...just don't tell anyone and we'll be alright  ;) hehehe). 

Well...today was interesting. To say the least. But I did get a lot done. I find that when I move around while I'm sick, I get healthier sooner...maybe that's because I keep myself occupied and I don't watch the clock tick tocking away. Makes the day go by faster. :)

Well...you must know this confession. Lately, I have been infatuated with chicken nuggets. I can eat them ALL day. Weird. Right? I guess it would be one of those food items where if you were to be asked if you can only eat one food for the rest of your life, mine would be chicken nuggets. Yep. I know. Strange obssession.

Well...anyway, I promise I have a point. This morning when I woke up and just lounged around for the first wee hour of the day, Brian came back from class, hugged me, and pulled this little song out of his butt, "You're my little chicken nuggggget. FAT and PORKY! SMALL and DORKY!!! Ta da tun, you're my little chicken nuggggggget."   ...First I gave him the look, I mean, what woman wants to hear that, coming from her husband, especially while she's sick, AND early in the morning? But I couldn't help but laugh all the way through the song. It was hilarious! Now...I gotta splain somethin' here. :) Me and my husband, well...we don't have what you call a normal relationship when it comes to this one factor; you know how most people call each other endearing names such as; honey, sweetie, babe, and etc? Well...we don't do that. Nope. We...just don't. We just never have. On the other hand, we call each other names such as these; I call him goober; boogie, monkey butt, gopher, and he calls me; turkey butt, chicken butt, fart knocker, mamby pamby, goonie, dufus, bigimot (which means hippo in Russian), and the classic, "dork." Yes. These my dears, are our ways of expressing love and endearment towards one another. Yes. It's very true.

Anyway...that was why the chicken nugget song wasn't offensive, it's because we do this to each other on a daily basis. I don't know. I guess it's just us. Don't ask why, because I don't even know and I can't even begin to tell you why. And you know...we have tried to call each other names such as sweetie, and babe, but...they just don't roll off the tongue naturally for us...they just don't. lol. It's awkward. True dat. :) Haha.

Well...I guess that's all I wanted to say today.

Oh, wait, no, I lied. I do have two more things to blurt out;

1). I am believing for a quick recovery, so I have hope in that.

2.) I hope to see my family this Christmas (I haven't seen my mom and dad since a year and 2 months ago, my brother I haven't seen since 2 years ago, and last time I saw my sister was 3 years ago). So...I hope to see them soon. I miss them DEARLY.

3.) Without hope, nothing prevails, because we can only trust in what is unseen, believing that greater things will yet come our way. Hope + faith = miracles + love = an unstoppable powerful force that the world to this day cannot comprehend, disect, or take away. So dear friends, have hope, have faith, and pursue love. And everything else will fall into place. I promise. But above all things, pursue love.

Anyway..those are my thoughts,

Yours truly,

Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., You know when you're sick, and you just tend to let your mind go, by kinda letting yourself go, and just totally relax and not think about anything? Well, I did that today! I had some super awesome R & R time. I took a green tea bath (which was AMAZING by the way! I believe that everybody should try it sometime, grab 6 packets of lipton green tea, let the water run, and wa-la! You've got yourself a salon professional treatment right in your bath tub!) ...it was sooo relaxing, soothing, and I've never felt better when being sick like I did today. Made a world of difference, anyway...this isn't what I was planning to say to you, what I was planning to say was I did some mind numbing rest & relaxation today by watching some fun videos of some crazy talent! So here are two of the videos, feel free to watch! These people are truly amazing & entertaining! Pure talent! :)

Hahaha, Mark, this ones for you especially, remember when you said you can't move your neck like the rest of us? Well, check this out! CRAZY!!!

All I have to say about this one is WOW!!!

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