Monday, September 13, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 13 "Indulge in the moments that matter most." Nicole / Williston, FL

I couldn't pick between the two, this one is creative
and this one is much more legible :) Both are tasty though ;)

Indulge in the moments that matter most... :)


 We were visiting our family today which live two hours away. (We took a nice long drive to them) ...This is my most favorite time in the year. It's so beautiful! Alaska in the fall time is absolutely unbelievable! I am in loveee! The trees are so gorgeous, the moutains are shot with amber, gold, auburn, and deep red. O what a sight! My my my! (The only downfall to autumn in Alaska is that it goes as quickly as it comes, it only lasts about two weeks if we're lucky). And then one day you wake up and all of a sudden you look around only to see bare branches hanging from the trees, standing tall waiting for the snow to cover them, which it does in a short little while.

Here's what I mean; (pics we took on the way up)

click on pics to see close up! So beautiful!

A pic of US! :)


Look at the B-E-A-U-T-F-U-L fall colors behind me!


So yeah, it was a REFRESHING drive up and down from Delta! WOW! And when the sunset hits the moutains and hills, the valley turns to gold, colors seem to burn deep into the horizon. So breathtaking! Yeah!

So...I was planning to do a photo shoot with a couple of my little cousins (me being the photographer), but when I got down to Delta, I found out that the two of them (one is 5 and the other is 10) are both sick, and one of them had a fever of 104* Poor thing!) She was having a SUPER rough day! So I ended up asking my little sister-in-law, Brian's sister, if she wanted to take the photo shoot. I was planning to do a photo shoot with all three of them, but since the other two were sick, it didn't really happen. But that's okay! Brittany and I had a super fun time together! And you know me, I LOVE quality time! If you wanted to hang out with me for a full day, I would be more than delighted to be with you! I love spending time with people. :)

So yeah, as a surprise after church, Brittany ran up to me and showed me her permitt! Yep! My baby is growing up! So weird! I remember the day she turned 13!!! Ahhh! So crazy!!!!!!!!

So yeah, now she has her permit, and later on that day before I picked her up for the photo shoot, I was joking with Brian and Danielle (my other sister-in-law) about how none of us would let Brittany drive our cars, hahaha, Britt can be pretty persistant. So we were just joking about that. No-way-Jose!

But then when I went to pick her up, she was so excited about her permitt, she asked me to drive. And since it really was going to be just my and her day together, I thought, well, why not? I have time. I'm in no hurry. Let's just hang out. And so...we did just that. We drove around Delta to all kinds of scenic locations for the photo shoot, and she was the driver! It was her first time on the road, first time driving with other cars, first moose sighting, bicyclists, dogs, cats, and joggers. She had a bunch of obstacles! :) But she was a great driver! A natural, and it was a lot of fun to pass down the knowledge I have down to her. Teaching her the rules of the road! ;) Uh-OH! No, just kidding! I would consider myself a pretty good, careful, and attentive driver. And I felt pretty safe. So I just passed down the advice that was passed down to me by my dad, aunt, and driver's ed teacher. And I was there to guide her.

So, what did I do today? I endulged in the moment and just lived in it with her. We both had a BLAST! And we took some AMAZING pics! It was just a ton of fun on a beautiful Autumn afternoon. I wouldn't have wanted to spend my day in any other way. It was the best. We both had fun, and we both enjoyed each other's presence. And instead of not letting her drive my car like I joked earlier with Danielle and Brian, I ended indulging in one of life's most precious moments. Loving, mentoring, and just being together.


I am hitting the snoozer!

Night guys!

And P.S.,

Make sure to indulge in the moments that matter most today!
When you think you're too busy to indulge, that's when you need to indulge in the most!

Make time for your loved ones, or do something for yourself, take a bath, watch a movie, cozy up with your hubby or you're friend, and just indulge in the moment. Or eat a chocolate. ;)

Nights and lates ladies and gents! :)

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