Monday, September 27, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 27 "Jump at a chance to give." Nancy / West Bend, WI

So my dears,

 I opened my dove chocolate late today, and did not have the chance to fulfill it.

But I guess that I kind of did anyway.

Today the quote was to jump at a chance to give.

So, when Brian & I went to The Well tonight (a small group church gathering), we picked up "Katie" (change of name for identity sake). Katie had a great time tonight, except close to closing, she didn't tell me that her mom picked her up and that she Brian & I drove around looking for Katie for half an hour, we drove to her house, knocked on the door, nobody was home, then drove back around to The Well and waited, and drove around again. You see...this isn't the first time something similar like this has happened. So I thought she broke our trust, but little did we know that her mom picked her up and she just happened to kind of slip in thought by not mentioning it to us, because when we came back to her house the second time to tell her parents that she walked off, her brother answered the door, I started explaining, and he said, "wait, Katie is home." So he called Katie and she ran up to the door, she was wearing her p.j.s. She looked at me kind of confused, and I told her that we were looking for her, and that she forgot to mention to us that she was leaving and I asked her to notify me next time. She profusely apologized and gave me a big big hug. You see, I was worried about her. So she said she was sorry, and it was all a misunderstanding, but the bottom line is that she was home safe. Good stuff. I'm glad we didn't have to call the cops to search for her, that would not have been fun, and I wasn't looking forward to having the conversation with her parents. That would not have been fun either. It's funny how dreadful and scary miscommunication can be sometimes. Well...anyway...while we were at The Well, Katie caught me playing the piano in the music room and she just sat down and listened, and we had a small heart to heart talk, and then I taught her a little trick on the piano and she was super happy. She started to experiment more with the piano and she sounded good!

I guess that my "jump at a chance to give," moment happened when I was teaching her a little about the piano, and a huge part of it came to the part of me being able to trust her again because for a moment, because of the miscommunication, I felt manipulated and I had my final draw with her, I thought our trust was surely broken (like I said, this wasn't the first time this happened, last time was even scarier), but, I saw her heart and I knew that she was telling the truth this time. It was an innocent mistake, just miscommunication. She and I have a special mentoring type of relationship, so it was going to break my heart if I would have lost trust with her. I hold her very dear. But I am relieved to say that everything is okay, and that I still trust her, and I guess taht was my "jump at a chance to give" moment. I gave her the benefit of the doubt, and you know what? I have a higher expectation from her. I am willing to give her another chance, and many more chances after that.

Trust is hard to rebuild, so I'm glad that today's mistake was just that, a mistake.

Well dear ones,

Off to bed I go.


-Your Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., What was your "jump at a chance" moment today? :)

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