Saturday, September 18, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 18 "Keep moving forward; don't look back." Sally / Griffith, IN

(Making corn on the cob for dinner, so decided to take a pic while I was at it) Why not? :)

I agree very much with today's quote; "Keep moving foward, don't look back." Can I hear an amen? :)
Today...was a little bit depressing. I just felt down today.

You know...thinking about stuff that's happened in the past, or how I'm stuck in the same old same old routine of the everyday life, so it seems, (sometimes I overdramatize things too). But you know what? My feeling are legit. And today..I just felt pooped. (I don't like using that word, but that's exactly how I felt). Just blah. Another word I used which I've used before in this blog, is that I just felt defeated. And that recurring feeling of defeat just sometimes crashes over me like an unwanted wave. And I hate it. So then I fight depression.

But, I was just reminded to look forwas, and that even thought today may not be so great, tomorrow is just around the corner, and I shouldn't sit and wallow in pity today, because there is life, love, and opportunities that lay ahead of me and are carved out for me. :)

But it's funny because our carnal minds can't imagine that, we can't imagine that there are better things ahead because we so often feel doomed, just going through feelings of despair. And that reminds me of another thing, not to live out of my feelings. What a dark and dreadful world this would be if I lived out of all of my feelings, if we all lived out of the place of our feelings. We are not meant to live that way, not any one of us. Yes, there are sad moments in life, there is grief, and there may be despair, but those are temporary feelings that go along with those real situations that come along with those feelings, and they are but for a moment. Don't stay there, that's how trouble comes. That's how a lie wraps around your mind telling you that what you are feeling at the present moment is how life will end up being, gloomy and dark, for the rest of your life. It's not true. Better days are ahead. The sun will rise and continue to shine. If it rains, the sunshine will still shine above the clouds (even though YOU can't see it, it shines). Things WILL be okay. And this moment, yes, this very moment that you are in WILL too pass, and you WILL smile again. :) I promise.

Don't allow your mind to play tricks on you by telling you that there is no hope, no hope left at all for you and your situation, because even though it's hard to do, the REALITY is that this will pass. And you WILL be okay. That is a gaurantee. And I'm not disqualifying your feelings either, your feelings are LEGIT, they are REAL! You are going through what you're going through! And that's OKAY! Just don't stay there too long okay? Hang around there for a little bit, do what you must, cry as much as you want, but don't live there okay? It's just time to go! Go and live life, go expeirience new opportunities. And it all starts with you, when you want to, and when you will let it. And don't worry, the world ain't passing you by. Take you time, just don't live the rest of your life out of your feelings, out of the pity, out of the scarcity of the situation, make up your mind and allow yourself to move one. I promise, it's okay to do so. :)

Well, that's about that.

I guess I just vented to myself really. :) I guess I wasn't just speaking out to you (dear fellow blog reader) but I was also speaking to myself.

Live. Laugh. Love.

-Your Dear Fellow Chocolatier :)

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