Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 16 "When you can't control the wind, adjust your sails!" Brenda / Schofield, WI

Hey guys!

 Today was a pretty chill day. Woke up always so far. (Bought melatonin tonight, gonna take some before bed..I heard it really helps if you want to adjust your sleep schedule!) So we shall see! :)

I made some mean strawberry / banana smoothies today as well! Except this time I added romaine lettuce (you don't notice it in the smoothie and it adds nutritional value), and Brian added ice. I didn't like the ice in there so much because it made it too cold for me to drink, but Brian liked it.

So, I need to get off soon cause I have a story to read that's due tomorrow for class, so I'm not going to write much today, (that's the plan anyway).

But I really do like today's quote, "when you can't control the wind, adjust the sails." It just reminds me that not everything turns out the way I plan, and not everything turns out the way I want it to. Things sometimes take their own course and I just have to come to terms with the fact that I can't control everything, and that I'm not in control of everything. The only thing I can control is my attitude and the only person I can contol in myself. I can't control anybody else. I am responsible for me and nobody else is. So I guess today's quote just kinda reminds me of going with the flow. We, human beings, love routine and pattern, and when our routines and patterns break, we often times go bezerk. We are such habitual creatures...and I believe the greatest thing we can ever learn is flexibility...or in other words change. Yep change. Change is a constant. I know, it's an oxymoron, but it's true. The only constant in life is change, because life is always changing; time passes, it's never the same, you will never get 5 minutes ago back, it's history. You only get older, never get younger (as an example). So yeah...flexibility is key. If we were more flexible with our lives, schedules, and what not, then I believe life would be a little less rigid and maybe more things would be accomplished. And I don't mean flexibility until the point you break, (don't let lean so far that you snap) I just mean out of the ordinary. When something happens, we make time for it, when we have the opportunity to hang out with others, such as our loved ones, that we don't pass those precious moments up...that's what I think I mean by flexibility. :) I'm not saying to be passive either. That's not what I'm saying, but what I'm talking about is to be more open and making yourself available to life's opportunities, because if you don't let them take place, (key..YOU let them), then they will pass you by.

Anyways..I really like today's quote, "when you can't control the wind, adjust your sails."
And I think that I would like to be more flexible in my life and go more with the flow on certain things. And I lift my hands up in the air and accept the fact that I don't have control over very many things. Over anything actually, excpet for me. :)  So, it's alright. No need to freak out over stuff. :) But that doesn't mean that I give up on things either such as my dreams and ambitions. :) I just have to know that things might not go as planned, and that's okay. :) I'll just have to adjust my sails and sail that ocean anyway. There ain't no stoppin' now.  :) I'm ready to set sail!  Yeah! :) And I might as well let my hair blow in the wind while I'm at it. ;)

Good night guys!

-Fellow Chocolatier

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