Monday, September 6, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 6 "It takes a bigger person to take the high road." - Charles / South Berwick, ME

Hmmm...It takes a bigger person to take the high road. ...I don't really have a story or anything profound to say about that, and I'm probably not going to say much today cause I have a headache, was depressed a little earlier, and am annoyed currently. So I don't wanna be a crab apple. And I especially don't want to be a crab apple in my writing. No-sir-ee.

But I guess I will just say one thing, today...I was super upset about something, not going to say what, don't want to start gossip. But I pulled one of my friends aside, one that I have mentioned often in this blog so far, and she took the time out to just hear me out, listen to my concerns and complaints, and she just loved on me. And she validated my feelings. Yes, I know I'm a girl, but beside the fact, everyone has feelings, and they are real. But sometimes we give in to our feelings much too much. And she said something that was funny yet true, "we all have feelings, no matter if we're 20 or 59 or 70, they are ligit, and what you're feeling is okay. And 70% of the time, our feelings are real, but those shady 30% are what can get us into trouble. We can make up scenarios in our head, or make things worse than they really are, or not realize that the person that is hurting us is not even realizing that they are and they may absolutely not even intend to. But sometimes they know that they are, and they do. So you're feelings are ligit. Just be careful not live out of your feelings, cause that can be dangerous."

So, what she said was absolutely true. Being able to talk to her made me let go of what somebody else did/said to me. I was able to let go, and look at the other person, and just forgive them. Now, if next time the same things happens over again, I have the confidence to correct that person and confront that person right on the spot or soon after, and not harber hurt inside of myself for weeks.

I didn't even know I was bitter against that person or that THAT was my problem, but when I pulled Heather aside to spill the beans to her, she listened. She was being a friend. And she softly gave an answere that was so simple, but it just clicked and made sense. Friendships are pretty cool things to have in life. I am for them.

So I guess all I have left to say is that my friend Heather was being the bigger person and taking the higher road, she could've went on with her day, but she didn't. And she told me something that was similar to my concerns and was able to explain it to me lovingly. And I can be a bigger person taking the higher road when in comes to stuff like that too, cause I have the power of love and forgiveness.

Which reminds me of this quote; Unforgivness is like driking poison and expecting somebody else to die.

It's true. There is power in forgiveness. And if you don't forgive, then you're the one dieing, because you're the one who drank that poison. Dont' keep holding on to whatever, let it go, whether by confronting that person that's hurt you, recalling that memory and forgiving the person, or by the healing touch of letting your feelings and frustrations out into the open to others. Vulnerability, it's a beautiful thing.

Well, I'm done for today, and it turns out that I did have something to say after all. It's funny how that works out....wouldn't you say? Writing is theraputic, and it kind of just unveils itself if you let it.

Here's one more quote to end with from the movie Finding Forrester: "No thinking - that comes later. You must write your first draft with your heart. You rewrite with your head. The first key to writing is... to write, not to think!"


God bless,

Nighty night.

-Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., I'm not annoyed anymore. There's a cool thing that happens when you're able to express yourself.

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