Monday, September 20, 2010

Dove Chocolate Challenge Day # 20 "Wisdom grows with age." Vera / Alexandria, VA

Hey guys! has been a..not so great day. I've had better days. I was sick all night, thankful the sore throat lasted only a little bit this morning, I fought it off. But now, I have a runny nose and am congested. That's okay though.

So today, I wasn't planning on going ANYWHERE. I overturned all plans in my head for today and just decided to stay home. But THEN...after taking a half an hour nap and waking up and feeling fresh. I decided to take a shower and get ready for the day. While I was napping, Brian went to Fred Myers to grab whole wheat spaghetti and beef. You see, we were asked two weeks ago to cook dinner for The Well (small group church) about two weeks ago. So, today was our day. Actually, I was asked to cook. But since I got sick and wasn't planning to go anywhere today, Brian took up the task of cooking dinner tonight. (He's a great cook by the way). AND, I think he makes the best spaghetti in the world. I really do. It's always delicious! He has a taste for cookin'. :)

But when he came home from the store, he brought me an Odwalla Supernutrient Food Drink (It's the dark green Odwalla looks gross, but it's soooo tasty!). It's my crack drink. It's my favorite drink. Brian's favorite drink is the Mango Rockstar, but I LOVE me some Supernutrient Odwalla. And, so when he came home, I was feeling better and was ready for the day. (Usually it's a drag and takes me forever to get ready when I'm sick). So I took a good 2 hours getting ready. But anyway, he brought me the drink and a pizza stick, and I was good to go.

You see, I mjade plans about a week ago to do a free photo shoot today with my used to be high school teacher. :) She's amazing. I asked my friends on facebook if any of them wanted to have a free photo shoot (I'm creating a photo porfolio) so I am willing to do a lotta free photography to get good expierence. People already have offered to pay, so that's cool. But anyway, we made plans a week ago for a photo shoot today. So I was going to cancel cause I'm sick, but then I stuck it through today and when Brian came home, I hadn't canceled the session yet, so I decided to go through with it. As I got ready for the photo session, packing everything that I need, my teacher called me back and said that she would like to reschedule for another day because that would work better for her. So, we rescheduled for another day, and I was partly relieved, because by then I wasn't feel so great again, and I didn't want to spread my germs. :)

So yeah, we ended up going to The Well, and I ended up helping Brian cook dinner. We made spaghetti, Asian stir fry, and whole wheat garlic bread. It was tasty. And we just had a good time at The Well. Today we were talking about Justice and Righteousness and I was just not getting some of the things we were talking about. And I just felt confused and clueless. But then I was encouraged. When I came home I left a comment on my facebook about how my day has been, and some of my friends just encouraged me, and I was just thankful for people that care about me. All three of the comments left on my facebook were made by my older friends, mentors, I should say. :) And they were right. They reminded me that everything is okay, and that everybody has days like these. And it's okay. Tomorrow is a brighter day. And they just left some encouraging words for me to ready.

But basically that was my day...I just needed some encouragement. Sometimes, we all have stupid days like these. But it's okay. We acknowledge it, and we move on. Things will be okay, and tomorrow is a new day. :)

And today, I was also very encouraged by Mark. Mark is 57 years old and he is one of my wise friends. :) I think he's wise (Mark, I know your reading this, so I just want to reassure you that you are wise and are somebody that I look up to, thank you for being a friend, and thanks for all of your wisdom and for taking the time to explain things to me). I love how whenever I complain, have a question, or a problem, Mark answers in the most calm, simple, and gentle way. He doesn't push his opinions, and doesn't make you feel less of a person for thinking the way you do. He is a good friend to have in our lives (my and Brian's). So one day I hope to be like Mark. I hope to grow in wisdom and be kinds to others and have patience and gentleness with others. I know that we all have flaws and I know that nobody is perfect, but I hope to be full of kindess like Mark is. One day I will be. :)


I am just learning things these day, just life stuff. You know?


I am getting offline,

Hopefully my blog made sense today, I am going to make the excuse that "I am sick and am not in my best mind." :)  lol   Oi...I feel very blah right now.

So, I'll see you guys tomorrow! At least that's the plan! :)

Yours Truly,

Fellow Chocolatier

P.S., Chicken soup sounds really good about now. :)

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